Tuesday 29 September 2020

Ace of swords


At some point of our lives we finally feel that certain breakthrough has happened and we are now able to gain some clarity and resonance.

Your mind is in a very specific mode: it's a positive expansion and conquering of things that you thought earlier are impossible- it stems from different aspects that altogether make up something very special: a thirst of new challenges, your willpower and need to communicate things and not only verbally as well as will to pursue new opportunities. 

This is the moment when you might try to take up new activity. But funnily enough it will have something to do with a bigger picture - nothing personal and even more - nothing selfish or self-centred.

You might want to try fnd some truth and seek justice. With clarity and conviction - you are more than sure to suceed.

On the reverse side - all the greatest ideas you have might be excellent but you might not want to share it with anyone. Your grudges and resentments as well as procastrination and lack of faith in yourself may keep you at hand.

There are many aspects that may cloud your judgment. Now it's good to put these aside.

Sunday 6 September 2020

King of Swords


What has been happening? The life rolls its dice and you feel lots of clarity now - your intellectual abilities and how you use them make you feel like things been ok. At the same time you ask yourself if keeping your emotions and deeper feelings at bay can help you to actually understand people in their depth - in their imperfections and their inaccuracies - even despite the fact that you know how to get to the core of things. 
Do your homework and your math - before deciding research well what are the options, the ins and outs. Your logic can greatly help you in that. You can find a mentor or a good help in a person of someone who knows legal aspects of the situations. Don't wait too long.

You amy think that you have certain amount of power over others. Don't misuse it and don't get flamboyant about it. It can be to your detriment and it will show quite quickly. It has a reverse side but the aspect of the character in this card is clearly showing how thing can turn out when you are taking advantage of others - it can take advantage of you.
Especially when you are indecisive - delaying and procastrinating is never working to your advantage. Most importantly - stay at your course and use any advice necessary.

Saturday 1 August 2020

Queen of Swords

You have achieved your goals, you sit in a place in life when you feel that your unbiased judgement and your transparency of the intellect can help you to move on, to be even some form of help, counselling, authority. You lead your life and also lives of others.
There might be a trap here - you feel like that compassion or empathy can distract you from achieving your goals. You can connect with others through intellect rather than the world of emotions.
Your skill of assessment is very grounded -  you can tell the state of things - very quickly and without mistake. As a resilient and strong, independent person you will do well with showing people your softer side - it will encourage them and make them feel better as you may come across as cold and impentetrable.
And they will come seeking your counsel.
You might allow your emotions' chest to open as both yourself and those around you can acquire greater understanding of what is important and useful.
You may feel that your mistakes and relationships can shake the boat you are travelling.
But please don't think this way - you can still retain your sharpness of vision, unclouded and unaltered skill of good judgement.
Don't isolate yourself - people who need you will trust you - especially when you can balance both emotional and intellectual aspects in your analysis.

Thursday 30 July 2020

Knight of Swords

When we are determined - our mindset and our whole aapproach changes.
We are more driven and more prone to act on the strong will and ambition. Our determination is greater than difficulties and obstacles - we will get there no matter how.
The planning is not present here - we tend to act on impulse - you will be feeding on the high levels of energy and it will propel you forward.
The Knight of Sword urges you to be wary of an intellectual analysis rather than something that is a energetical discharge in the field of creating and achieving goals. You have all the necessary tools to fire up a good discussion and in the bigger picture a good communication especially within a community of like-minded people. This can lead to a positive motivation and coming up with great ideas that could be embellished through a discussion and becoming a leader.

On the other side of the coin, lies a completely different picture.
A vision of a person who doesn't care much about communication with people around her/him and also with herself/himself.
Maybe it's the time to slow down a little bit - a bit of mental discipline that can actually help you to focus on a singular goal rather than being torn between options and chances.
Sometimes true leadership requires a bit of experience that is being done alone and later with huge consideration of everyone else's dreams and needs.
It will come with patience... 

Sunday 19 July 2020

Page of swords

A new page turns now. Your knowledge and experience you gained so far will serve you well with opening to a new chapter.
But what it is really? The more you are curious and inquisitive the more you are prone to discover something new. New ventures that will spring out of nowhere can come now to a point where you can use something that comes to your life and can be used to move from one point to another.
Page of Swords invites a fresh perspective on things - looking beyond what you already know and find something that is not necessarily orthodox and predictable in a way that you would expect,
You can also explore new methodology of acting and doing things - move along and forward both in your thinking and your actions.
Try not to stop yourself to express what you really want and what is the truth that can help to open the new chapter of life. You might keep it to yourself and express it in your own, private environment or in a journal. This might be a good way to process it and prepare yourself to send a message across to those who need it.
Be careful with promises you cannot keep - it's the time to take action - rather than talk.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Ten of swords

The end of a certain stage in our life is often marked by somewhat painful experiences. It's an exhausting end game process that helps to burn out the illusions and perceptions we had throughout this stage of our lives.
It might relate to the relationship we had that has finished - we may feel betrayed and much to our knowledge - abused. 
Now it is definitely time to let go and surrender to what it is. Don't resist to change but just allow to take its own course.
Now it's the time to reflect on your experiences. Not down the patterns that played important roles in creating the whole picture of the situation. Learning from it and drawing wisdom from it - Now it's the time for it.

You may still carry the old wounds - but for what it's worth - it's important to look forward to new experiences and positive surprises that lie ahead. Time to reshape yourself and allow the new energy in. 

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Nine of swords

Dark thoughts and self depreciating opinions might be something that can haunt you in the middle of the night. Stress and worry don't help here but create something that provokes prophecies to fullfil themselves.
The excessive energy of negative thinking is the weight that rarely anyone can handle.
Worries and the cycle of it can lead our perceptions into wrong direction - a wave of accusations towards our loved ones is one of the first steps that can open a Pandora's box of misery and ill-tempered emotions we can not control.
It's high time to reach out for help - there are tools and angles and reasons we might not possess at this time - the trusted ones can help us in that.
We can keep our worries private and feel we are n the top of things but this isn't really the case here.
Putting yourself down is one of the aspects of self-talk that will lead us to something we won't be able to resolve by  ourselves.