While listening to some relaxing ambient music the other day
I was thinking of how we digest things that happen to us on our path to
discover things and revelations of the life we live now and here.
We do need the outer world, the experiences - diverse
qualities of that - whether they are hurting us or in a matter of fact - touch
some soft places in our psyche and soul that cause different sorts of pain. We
absorb the energy and the message that is others and different objects, people,
places and events. We either incorporate the patterns of nourishing ourselves
with awareness and being open to learn and develop or the methods of
self-abusive behaviour that can have a face of love or something that superficially
may take our fancy. But where does it lead us?
We can get out of touch with ourselves in the pace of
mistakenly perceived systems: either behavioural ones or philosphical. The
reason for that is often quite easy to spot - as the consciousness is separated
from its source code and environment, we are not able to see beyond our own
choices and follow the flow of life that finally drown in.
True conviction of what we do comes usually from
putting the perceptions on the level of
our feelings. The ocean of what we are not aware of - the unconscious is
portrayed in the card 2 of Swords as ocean with the moon. The limitations we
put on ourselves - crossed swords are intellect and hinder admittance.
It's difficult to be clear how we perceive things especially
when we are in some dire situation when different opinions and judgements
surround us, the minute voice of our intuition is overwhelmed by so much
interference. We might get petrified and paralyzed not being able to make any
step forward - one that is closer to the "right" choice.
Being at peace with ourselves is always a step towards
understanding our human particle as a derivative of a bigger wholeness. Partial
perception has a very important feature which is the limiting to only one way
of understanding things - be it rational mind or the flows and ebbs of romantic
part of our self. It will ultimately lead to the limitation of the space we
might use as an outlet of choice and its options. The space, the void which as
buddhist teachings acertain is not empty - we can be at peace and see instantly
the rising moon of possibilities. In tranquility...