Monday, 27 November 2017


In our next episode of tarot cards' description I would like to talk about the card that may provoke some interesting reflections on how well we deal with our inner spirit communication.
Many of us have been presented with a picture of a guardian angel that loves us with infinite and protective love, the one that helps to understand the benevolent part of our subconsciousness - the watchful and caring force in our life. Some of these pictures have been derived from promises of our upbringing that are taken for granted in our childhood, then as we shake our heads in disbelief and leave aside anything that childish and naive.
Temperance is a card that helps us to reconcile with our spiritual judgement and the inner balance that speaks through something larger than ourselves. Be it inner voice, be it an angel, a protective guardian - it may be elevated in our understanding to a trust that can bring fruitful dialogue between what we think we need, what we really need in wider perspective and what helps us to conclude this discourse - seeing what's really available in times when we deem that nothing is given to us yet all is worked for.
The healing of the inner child and its opposite pole - a healer in us that has been hurt is possible through understanding of balance. A balance that is neither resignation or sacrifice but a true understanding of what's helpful.
Like in a dream that is meandering and comes back and back again, only to be fully formed and shaped so we can see all the details of our yearning through the eyes of an experienced, yet with the purity of a child's heart.

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Strength XI

In our next episode of Djed taroth blog we will talk about XIth card of Major Arcana which is Strength/ La Force.
We often ask ourselves - where is the strength to make decisions, to make commitments and to look forward to new perspectives in our lives? How much we need to sacrifice to achieve certain goals in life and where does it start? But first and foremost how to embody our own nature in the work of life, the art of life as such?
There is a certain deal of intricate work behind leaving the reigns of our instinct and creative spirit to let them rule our mind. At some point it breaks free through the part of individual's governing centres seeking the way to express itself.
May it be at time when we are bedridden and lacking physical power or feeling a bit uneasy in our erotic life.
You are at the point when great deal of sophistication is taking part in consuming the elements of the fear and inner obstacles that are under the onslaught of your sensations, and sublime impulse to break through towards what seemingly is best for you.
Like waves of the ocean tide we cannot stop the coming change - we can only help it by tuning to it with understanding.
There is an element of force majeure that is in every of us - the Universal force that created us combing both animal ferocity and instinct with something more sublime that makes our body of work - our own creation. This is the time to use it and act!

Sunday, 17 September 2017

The Hermit

In our series today I would like to present the card that can both  provoke different interpretations and emotions.
The Hermit comes in as the ninth of Major Arcana. Its position denotes a completed circle of understanding, progress and process of events, points - stations on our journey to accomplishment.
How does The Hermit speak if it could convey what is meant to be a help?
A hooded lone figure, carrying a lantern that often symbolises knowledge as well as its enlightened sister - wisdom. How far we can go into the dark night of a profound crisis. Is it a measure of how much light we can shed into understanding and acknowledging our past. What is to be done here? Are we done here?
The card clearly shows the ambivalence and dualism of action and reception. Receptive knowledge that contains a static chill of wisdom - something which is usually to be achieved through loneliness and analysis we can do on our own solely.
The concentrated hump of past experiences can be quite a burden if you consider a pictorial symbolism of the card. But without this weight we cannot assess and judge the importance of those experiences that shape us.
The Hermit invites us not necessarily to dwell on the past and add up the the already heavy burden of thoughts and recollections - it's a predicament that calls us to wait, ponder on, stop in continuity that lasts and extends itself into our future by a plan of the Unknown. He dwells in a secret space where everything took a break to prepare us for a new energy.

Monday, 28 August 2017

The Tower

In times of distress we often try to find the language that can be used to translate the events that are part of our experience into a viable understanding. What is there that we can use to embrace the change? Did our concepts of providence fail us in the face of dividing reasons?
The card of The Tower is quite often a misread phenomenon or something merely inclined to direct us to thinking of a meaning towards the end of things. It is a compulsive thinking of a figurative: a tower that crumbles and what stems from it.
Our physical world stands on the foundations of the idea. Our needs, prayers, will, our wishes and desires are bent on this idea. Idea of self-fulfilling phenomenon - be it career, love, education, more trivial pursuits of momentary satisfaction, caprice and of course, last yet not least - the pursuit of happiness.
Happiness glows like a shy flame in the hindsight of whatever we think or deem.
How to attain it when worlds collide, opinions hurt, events tear everything into pieces, hopes are destroyed by the unpredictable?
The way to understand the elusive symbolism of the tower is to look beyond what only seemingly is referred to as a crumble, a catastrophe, a disaster. It's a blessing in disguise. An emergence of something that was imprisoned and now wants to sail full steam ahead.
It is an invitation towards opening yourself. Understanding that most of the time we see only one side of the coin while the other one doesn't necessarily bring any harmful effects to our life.
It is the providence and help to create a new construct - one that will be helpful as long as it provides help and understanding - brings all that needs to be revealed into the limelight of our consciousness.