Sunday, 16 December 2018

The Wheel of Fortune

The life as we see it - is constantly perpetuating in a neverending cycle of changes. Smaller or bigger. For better or for worse. The ones that we can notice instantly and the ones, of impact which, we are able to see from a time perspective.
The Wheel of Fortune shows us how important is it to see the progressing events of our life as a part of a larger unit, a cycle of happenstance. Traditionally and quite typically we tend to think of it as a karmic way of acting - where all the wrongdoings are being punished with "appropriate" punishment or reward. Although in a short run this might push us to just being more kind and forgiving it definitely doesn't show us the depper meaning and importance of raised awareness when it comes to living our life consciously.
The template we consciously create through understanding the perspective of ethical progress in our conscious life in unprecedent - it creates more and more little dots on the map that build an architecture of firm and moral construct that builds the immanence of superego - the world of our values. It elevates it to a higher level, and consciousness follows this.

When times hit hard - please be optimistic. Abundance will follow. Dwell in possibility and rely on your own ability. There is nothing more helpful.
The guidance comes from the most uncanniest of places in such moments. Maybe from somewhere you don't necessarily expect. Not necessarily like or agree but it will come.
It is sometimes, not what we think, we can control.
Forces at work may be, by design, force us to change the way we think of our life and what drives it.
It encourages us to come out of the circle and use more subtle of ways e.g. intuition.
Assume the responsibility for what is happening and the reward for it will be to understand that there is no reward, there is no punishment. There is a way to think beyond the schemes, prejudices and set ways. There is way more to it. There is one thing that will never let you down... A change.

Sunday, 9 December 2018

The Empress

The Empress...
Welcome back to the newest episode of our blog in a series of bringing the tarot cards and their meaning to light.
When we often think about the material existence of our lives and reflect our identity and resources we think of the matrix of the Mother Nature - her always unfolding source of abundance and power/
The Empress is an introduction to understanding the feminine aspect - the nourishing and protective. The natural law of the Nature's cycles where we know that after the stormy season or untimely death of things we tended to - things are reborn anew with new shape and design which stems from what was before.
The Empress is the database of the needs and yearnings that need adressing. Sometimes it might be the case of showcasing and attracting the resources to fullfil them. On the other hand it might be the case of neglecting your own feelings and needs to the extent of looking after someone else's instead.
How does this happen?
We might not be able to identify it and therefore neglect our wellbeing but also it's a nature that the mechanism of a blocade represents. A creative blockage is not not only about artistic endeavours but also about fiding new ways to feel the world and everybody around us - being in touch with our feelings.
The nurture is the keyword here when we actually recognise how important is it to care and tend to.
Stay in touch with this process and as in the symbolism of the Mother - you will multiply all the allied forces of Nature helping you to live through this Earthly domain. It's really worth. Mind you the goal here is YOU.

Sunday, 2 December 2018

The Sun

Welcome to another episode of our blog, today we will briefly introduce the card representing The Sun.
We are introduced to the adult life with a vision of hardship and difficulty we have to struggle in order to achieve the self-realisation and confirm our identity. It often affects our view of life's path in a way that we may loose this innocence of understanding ourselves - there's degree of cynicsm and disbelief that things can actually go smoothly and effortlessly.
The Sun brings back this forgotten hope - it's radiating with positive energy of being connected to your inner child, the Source. Connecting to the Source through purity, and strength.
The Sun is the card of radiance. But it also invites you to understand your ego and superego - the world of your values. In a common understanding "ego" can have quite a pejorative connotation related to being set in your own way of habitual actions and thinking. The Sun helps us to understand that ego is part of our psyche and character - and therefore we can elevate it to a higher level by understanding our desires and needs - where do the stem from? Understanding the roots of them and affirming the fact that they are important to our growth.
We are often downtrodden and pressed by the hardships that we fail to see the brightr side of life - especially when we see that life's path is distorted and uneasy. Or maybe just on the contrary - we are so overly optimistic that we fail to see the reality? What's happening?
The Sun roots you down in a balanced and harmonious view of the situation - inviting us to see things with a new fresh perspective. Be like a child, not naive, but innocent and attentive...