Sunday, 22 April 2018

Three of Cups

Welcome to a new episode of our blog and welcome in this beautiful spring time in Northern hemisphere.
Today I will talk about the card that somehow resembles the vitality and the celebration of the Spring season. Three of Cups.
As depicted in the picture - Three Maidens are raising their cups up high joyfully and celebrating. As their arms are raised and connected together we can understand the idea of deep connection through friendship and happiness. The laurel leaves on their heads are symbol of victory and success. When we think of deeper meaning - laurel is also a symbol of protection, peace and purification - a letter from the Universal realm to us. The Letter bringing good tidings - opening us to the sweet happiness and joy.
A collegiate harmonious relationship of friendship, full of support and oneness.
Three of cups usually show how much the harmony in our lives can help us to build strong and healthy relationship with others and our identity. It is also a sign of respite in our daily struggles - it helps to understand how much everything is temporary - and also our problems. The more we look through the idea of a compromise - alignment with our true mission is possible. A positive attitude within ourselves brings it into the outer world and helps to find solutions intuitively through the process of individual reckoning.
Pursuing a creative spirit can help you to achieve that. While your creativity is being stifled you may find it difficult to follow the process and find the balance in things. Don't be dismayed. Three of Cups can both represent three options - the third being out of the duality of the usual discord between the things we pursue and difficulties - the third that represents the door to re-gain what has been lost. The third breath, looking at things outside of what is our usual perspective, re-assesment and re-grouping.
Please ponder on it for a moment while the Spring opens itself to us with our beauty, thank you.

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