Sunday, 30 September 2018

The Chariot

Welcome again to our weekly blog about the cards of tarot and their meaning. Today we are going to focus on the next Major Arcana card which is in this case The Chariot.
The time of Autumnal equinox is a special season when we turn towards reassessment of what are our priorities and the crucial aspects of our life here. Quite often amidst all the fervour and strenous trials our mind seeks the answer of where should we focus our attention when there is so much to do.
The Chariot doesn't initially give a clear answer to it but if we look closer - it can dawn on you, quite literally.
Once you assert yourself and take a bold stance - it will become crystal clear that everything you need is at hand. Insight into your abilities and how they have served you until now can be a useful signpost to recognise what is important and what you have to focus on.
The tools we have are usually the most understimated ones. The process of understanding how abundant we are in what can be used can be quite slow and painful but the easier it gets when willpower and confidence come into the picture.
The Chariot is also a remark and a hint that we often misunderstand others through our impetous stance, irritability and pushing through the human wreckage. A collateral damage of a life road trip.
Maybe stopping for a moment to take a reflection on what is the purpose at this particular stage of your life is a good idea. Having in mind the risks as well as the people and above all understanding the keyword of "control" in our lives is crucial.
Who is in control?
Are you too controlling over your and someone else's life?
Maybe it's the time to set your goals and intentions in alignment with your higher self?
Maybe you just need some time to get a grip on things and grasp what's important.
Take your time.
The road is calling...

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