Saturday, 27 October 2018


And lastly but not least-ly we come to one of the most known and most-debated card of Major Arcana i.e. The Lovers.
In its classical interpretation The Lovers is usually related and read in relation to connections, relationships and love life. It shows us where the key to conscious and meaningful relationships lie. It may be read as an invitation to understanding closeness on spiritual, emotional, sexual level between partners. But it is also a good card to understand relationships in families or between friends and comrades.
The Lovers, however, has many other paths to interpreting them.
While we are entangle ourselves in the love magic of enchantments, sentiments and romanticism, The Lovers can be a quite appropriate way to dwelve in depth the candid relationships, truthfulness, honesty in communication between ourselves and our loved ones. Not necessarily only in terms of truths we live by but also through understanding how female/male aspects of our psyche work. How they influence our principles and beliefs.
The usual problem with finding the beliefs and principia that represent us truly is through integrating our experience and introspective analysis of what the life is truly about. Understanding it through analysing our traits and how true are we to working on them, both the ones that stem from subconscious and conscious aspects.
The choice is yours as the common expression says. But do we truly understand our choices?
and do we truly follow our heart or just by chance think that we do?
Quite often the problem lies in a broken relationship with self-love and respect. Do we really respect ourselves and what we bring to this world by denigrating our sense of self-belief and understanding our potential which can be both of analytical and sensitive as well as initiative and progressing in action?
Question of understanding and valuing our strengths is often unrecognised by not recognising it in others. We are truly at war with ourselves while not admiting it but radiating that to others and commencing unnecessary conflicts...
Love is the answer - but how we understand its core is even more important.

Sunday, 14 October 2018


Death in the whole tarot deck is probably the most misunderstood and underrated card ever.
How we often tend to preceive death reflects our fears, our prejuidices and everything that comes along.
As the passing away in the course of life comes often as a sudden and unexpected change - we may stop for a little minute and ponder on some issues that are linked to it.
Can we get ready for a big change by understanding both the fragility of life and what we take for granted? Can preceding a change that comes as a surprise with making a conscious change by yourself bring us closer to understanding what we need and what is needed for our growth?
The card as a symbol brings the fact of passing through one door to another, opening the new pathway and closing the former one. Putting the past away seems like a likely ritual to cleanse ourselves from what we leave behind. Re-assessing our daily routines in relation to change is the other important thing to consider as we move forward in our lives.
Life is like a box of chocolates  as one sage said - we choose to find out which one agrees with us. We can also try to think of this process as letting go of the attachments, unhealthy habits to release more vital energy and leave space for the habits that actually help us to feel better as the people who we really are.
The belongings, matters of little importance, memories that create even more attachment create a shadowy aspect of what accumulates as burden and cannot be easily released without using the willpower.
To precede change by making our own is a good tactics when you are not avoiding it and resisting - to embrace it with your awareness and use it to be a part of your own story of sucess - ponder on it for a second.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

The Emperor

The Emperor, the father of the tarot cards, is the protagonist of our new blog entry today.

In times of chaos and instability we often crave for structure with rationality and pragmatism in the background as well as a policy towards solving problems through their analysis and understanding the parts that make up the whole structure. Organising our strategy through perseverance and thought through structure. And foremostly the expertise we can gain through learning about our life challenges.
The Emperor is a card which sets out the trip to achieve stability by resolution to be in charge. Being in charge here means to use tools such as your ability to be a teacher, a decision making persona whose experience is both valued and respected by creating rules.
This card has also the other side of it.
With power comes great responsibility as well as questions you might ask yourself when it comes to the interaction of other people. Asserting your power is one thing but leaving others in a position when they cannot fully express their own might be a counterproductive process and also unethical.
Individuals who gain from your expertise can be a little bit uneasy when it comes to bringing in their own experience into the picture. Why not help them?
The Emperor is also an invitation for taking up the action when you are in a situation such as dealing with hierachical organisation, a clash with authority that bears no "no" answers. You can come up to the conclusion that maybe it's better to be your own boss.
Last but not least it's also an invitation to perseverance, to commit to what you have promised to yourself. Your goals, your plans, everything that you wanted to achieve. Update your own guidelines by checking how much what you used before serves you now. The structure and healthy routines can come in handy.