Sunday, 14 October 2018


Death in the whole tarot deck is probably the most misunderstood and underrated card ever.
How we often tend to preceive death reflects our fears, our prejuidices and everything that comes along.
As the passing away in the course of life comes often as a sudden and unexpected change - we may stop for a little minute and ponder on some issues that are linked to it.
Can we get ready for a big change by understanding both the fragility of life and what we take for granted? Can preceding a change that comes as a surprise with making a conscious change by yourself bring us closer to understanding what we need and what is needed for our growth?
The card as a symbol brings the fact of passing through one door to another, opening the new pathway and closing the former one. Putting the past away seems like a likely ritual to cleanse ourselves from what we leave behind. Re-assessing our daily routines in relation to change is the other important thing to consider as we move forward in our lives.
Life is like a box of chocolates  as one sage said - we choose to find out which one agrees with us. We can also try to think of this process as letting go of the attachments, unhealthy habits to release more vital energy and leave space for the habits that actually help us to feel better as the people who we really are.
The belongings, matters of little importance, memories that create even more attachment create a shadowy aspect of what accumulates as burden and cannot be easily released without using the willpower.
To precede change by making our own is a good tactics when you are not avoiding it and resisting - to embrace it with your awareness and use it to be a part of your own story of sucess - ponder on it for a second.

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