Sunday, 27 January 2019

Four Of Cups

In times of over-consumption and the world flowing with all sorts of choices that help us to fulfill our needs we might, at some point feel disengaged, apathetic or switched off. We may feel bored or dissatisfied with our life thinking towards the possibility of no surprise -as if things re-align to bring same situation - on and on again.
In fact this feeling has an explanation - it's an invitation to make a conscious shift towards the inner world where space given to yourself can only bring more knowledge and thoughtful reflection on what is important.
This invitation spreads over our habitual way of living the known stream. To break out of the feeling of withdrawal we must establish a new way of thinking by gently breaking the habits of continous mind's chatter. There is no need for that - it acts as a veil on our awareness therefore it has to be taken away.
We often fall into the trap of disengaging ffrom our emotions by being overflown with too many stimuli - in order to find the way towards them it's good to disconnect from external sources of distraction e.g. social media or social flow.
It's also a good point to understand that we might feel this way because we have been hurt in the past and being overburdened by this - we don't feel the vital force, shut down in our own circles of reactive mood swings.
Introspection and healthy withdrawal now can take its course. Step back, observe yourself in answering habitually to what normally would disturb you. From the bird's view of an introvert things can actually become quite enjoyable in its own way.
Being uninspired and disillusioned will pass...

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Three of Cups

here comes a time in our lives where our own initiative and striving for independence is just not enough and the synchronicity of events and playful fate invites us to consider a different perspective: participate, support and integrate.
Just like in the pictorial aspect of Three of Cups we have different tools to incorporate in our life's path. Somewhere somehow there are people we can trust and we can reach to and another step might be creating some creative field where you can participate and implement it with your experience and sense of things. It can be highly artistic. You can work towards some goal that is selfless and charitable in nature.
This card can also denote quite a sociable period in your life. 
There are different messages here - you might be encouraged to stop indulging and binging on food and drink and try to withdraw yourself from that - give yourself some time and perspective to judge it.
You might also be a bit tired of hassles of social life which calls for halt - it's always good to think about those situations in different ways to find out exactly what might be a problem preventing you from living the life to the fullest.
Relationships can have its drawbacks - if you feel like being cheated or betrayed or even not sure about this but still feeling like your energy that you put into the projects is vanishing somewhere - it might not be your fault but a call to re-assess those relationships where something is clearly not right.
Sometimes there is a third person involved who is actually not working towards mutual benefit.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Two of cups

Two of cups is another card in the suit of cups and the one I will talk today in the next episode of our blog.
As we can see - it shows a unity of two different essences that flow through two vessels and it's not difficult to guess that the main theme of this excellent card is the relationships.
Relationships are the the all-time favourite when you think of the usual reading queries of the tarot.
But if you think of the reverse logic thinking that every question also signfies a hidden answer - let's ask who is asking about the nature of relationships? Instead of asking why ask ourselves - where does the core of the successful, giving relationship lie?
Is it in the understanding the connections between two people - thinking of tools sch as mutual respect and appreciation that in the end help us to reach higher planes of fullfilment? A win-win situation if we take all sorts of endeavours into consideration.
Two of Cups is an emblem of a blossoming relationship - the deeply heartfelt exchange of powerful feelings and emotions. Also lifting each other up to higher planes and better well being.
The reverse process involves themes such as self-love - a condition upon which lies the understanding of the deeply fruitious link to others. How much we need to devote to understand the other person? The answer is - as much as we understand ourselves. Otherwise the substance of love will be polluted with justifying the projections onto others and the thirst will be quenched by one of the biggest misunderstandings - the idea that possessions, and I also mean wrongly taken people as one of those can replace self-love. It's often so deeply embedded in the world of one's values that almost undistinguishable.
At the end of the day - relationships are about communication - the depth aspect of it can change a lot and bring many burning questions to solution. And it can help us to move on in understanding the nature of challenges that we are yet to discover.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Ace of Cups

Welcome to our blog of Djed Taroth.
And Welcome after a short break in New Year 2019. Have a happy one!

We will start the new series of articles describing the Minor Arcana starting with the Suit of Cups.

The Suit of Cups in tarot usually represents our feelings, emotions, premonitions, our inner life.
With a chalice represented by Ace of Cups we are being invited to creative expression of emotions and feelings as they are the igniting point to start a new endeavour or a project. Creative stream of energy is the highlight of this card - helps us to understand where lies the abundance of life.
It is also the part of this card to see a potential in new relationship or something that connects usto people we love - how the affection flows seamlessly when we are in the right state of mind.
The Ace of Cups is both about giving and receiving.
All this has a bigger importance when we supress and withhold our emotions avoiding seeing them or experiencing them in order not to get hurt.
The lesson we are being taught is understanding that through opening ourselves we let the stream of conscious feelings in and evolve into acknowledging them and later transforming them into something new - the elixir of our vital force.
Let's not wait, drink from this cup as long as it flows...