Sunday, 20 January 2019

Three of Cups

here comes a time in our lives where our own initiative and striving for independence is just not enough and the synchronicity of events and playful fate invites us to consider a different perspective: participate, support and integrate.
Just like in the pictorial aspect of Three of Cups we have different tools to incorporate in our life's path. Somewhere somehow there are people we can trust and we can reach to and another step might be creating some creative field where you can participate and implement it with your experience and sense of things. It can be highly artistic. You can work towards some goal that is selfless and charitable in nature.
This card can also denote quite a sociable period in your life. 
There are different messages here - you might be encouraged to stop indulging and binging on food and drink and try to withdraw yourself from that - give yourself some time and perspective to judge it.
You might also be a bit tired of hassles of social life which calls for halt - it's always good to think about those situations in different ways to find out exactly what might be a problem preventing you from living the life to the fullest.
Relationships can have its drawbacks - if you feel like being cheated or betrayed or even not sure about this but still feeling like your energy that you put into the projects is vanishing somewhere - it might not be your fault but a call to re-assess those relationships where something is clearly not right.
Sometimes there is a third person involved who is actually not working towards mutual benefit.

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