Sunday, 3 February 2019

Five of Cups

Welcome to our blog and Happy Imbolc! Hope you are feeling good.

Our todays card resonates somehow with how many people feel these days.
At times we feel very regretful and think that things haven't turned out the way they should. Feelings of being sad and stuck are accompanied by the fact that we might be stuck in situations that don't help to pursue what we have planned. We also might feel a bit in a mode of a victim of not supportive circumstances.
There is a trait to this that possibly is part of the whole emotional landscape that we are set in.
You are set in a continuum of despair and holding  grudge or feeling disappointed.
Here we have a chance to improve our wellbeing by applying some simple measures to hype up our emotional hygiene....which in this case is to forgive. Reflections on the past help to understand what is the important message in the experience is out there. There is always a lesson, there is always something to enrich you. Dwell on it, acknowledge it, drink from this well.
This action itself, done in a conscious way is a remedy.
As we know - sometimes a seemingly diificult situation is a blessing in disguise.
Understanding that not always what we want is what we actually need is crucial here. There is a bigger picture of this truth in seeing opportunity everywhere. An opportunity to learn. An opportunity to try out all those chances that actually help us to find out the most intimate core of the Self - we are.

Sometimes the setbacks give us a kick in a stomach, so hard that it makes us feel reject others but also reject a request for help we can make. It is difficult because in your heart - you want feel stronger while you actually feel shy to ask for support.
Sometimes sharing the pain is the best remedy.
We cannot overturn what has happened. Acknowledging it feels like the best thing you can do - even if you feel negative about it - make sure that trying to understand the hidden gem you possess - makes you a rich person. Like no one else in this world of people who prefer to stay in their comfort domains.

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