Sunday, 21 April 2019

Two of Pentacles

We are the jugglers, in our daily life, full-time, part-time, in the breaks between. The pressures and requirements of modern life make us so. We cannot avoid it, we cannot break this cycle. We are working multiple jobs while we are taking up different roles. There seems there is no time for anything.
But in fact it is you that manages your own time - and you can make it happen. Ask yourself - What life do you want? What responsibilities you can take?
We often take too much. And that involves the guilt, too. It involves overthinking and rationalising things that actually shouldn't be taken into account at all. The responsibility for all the damage that has been done doesn't sit well, we all know that. But is it really us to blame? We can do our bit. ANd with a moment, a hint of deep awareness and mindfulness - there is so much we are actually able to make a step forward. Even the smallest one counts.
The key is to mind yourself - your wellbeing and manage the priorities/time/life force continuum.
Being patient and flexible helps a great deal here. It's a necessary tool to wait till something is actually accomplished.
Overcommitment or not paying the proper attention to different parts of your life and the actors on the chessboard is the other side of the situation here.
Re-defining and re-assessment of your situation can put things in place.

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