Friday, 31 May 2019

Eight of Pentacles

The work or the process of it sometimes requires special measures, some sort of embellishment of what you are alreadye doing. It might be an improvement of your craft by further learning and education. It usually comes from the situation of you being unhappy and striving towards a goal that is more in relation with what we really want or altering the goals by working out new strategies and simply learning more about what we wish for.
There is a strong reassurance in the Eight of Pentacles where a reward is waiting for us while we slowly and patiently work on our education and learning more about how to improve things in different ways.
Striving for perfection is a very tricky issue - simply because in trying to achieve it we fail to see that the skill of adapting and the skill to see things differently while processing our work can help us to develop and move on from square 1 to square 2.
Sometimes seeing things from broader perspective and bigger picture of our work might help. 

Seven of Pentacles

In the times of the urge to see the quick effect of our actions and being rewarded with quick outcomes and even demanded from us, we fail to see the importance and the value of putting effort and hard work, persistence into long terms plans.
Quite often we are stuck in the situation where we are pushed to see our principles to be re-made and re-invented since there is not much output at all. We are strained and exhausted by seeing that something we have put so much work and heart into something that is not appreciated well enough.
for what it is worth it is just a temporary situation that actually will resolve itself by our will and our faith into what we are doing. It doesn't come up quickly but it's very important to change the mindset into feeling this as our internal, private territory where we are able to learn and put the experience we acquire into the path of learning and building what we need.
Frustration vs. Patience is the primary battle we can win only using the latter.

As much as we put a lot of effort into what we want - there is so much to be done in the area of understanding that we are never in control of our fate but rather we are here to understand that it is not about control, it's about unlearning the very truth of the neurotic process by being an observer and seeing things from a distance as a cosmic play that stems from chaos and takes shapes once in a while and then it plunges into chaos again.
What is chaos? - asking yourself this question you might answer that this is all that we can't control and that puts us in a situation and a role of a victim of all this. While in fact we are trying to control as much as possible rather than learning to shift our attention, patience, willingness to work towards the path of life as it unfolds itself before us rather than thinking of goals.

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Six of Pentacles

How do we build trust of others? By helping them? By investing our trust in them? By support?
In times of our own stability we may hear the inner voice to help others by sharing our abundance and wealth with them. We can give help by counselling, by listening and thus connecting spiritually with those less fortunate, still remembering that the wheel of fortune always revolves around and we may be in a similar position.
There is another side in the symbolism of this card. While in need of help we might receive it and therefore become dependent on it. Charity received in this way can push us to become more submissive and also a bit desperate in getting it.
Financial harmony is always at hand.
Giving to yourself is something that we always omit or forget about. It may stem from the fact that we are getting so involved in the situation of giving that actually we get worn out and depleted by it.
The ones that receive from us - quite often do not give back and it's not necessarily about repaying but about contributing to the cycle of exchange and growth.
Do not overcommit yourself - especially if you are struggling - you need to be able to support yourself while supporting the ones you care about.
There are also some other practical hints regarding this card - it's managing your debts - making sure that you are able to repay.
The other part is dishonesty in being charitable. Are you sure you want to be this way or just want to prove others your quality and virtue?
he inequalities in those subtle connections will eventually emerge and show us where the paths leads. 

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Five of Pentacles

In times of financial loss and disrepair we often ask ourselves - "Why me?" We search through the list of known facts and figures, where is the mistake, what has been overlooked and led to this point.
We overlook the fact that many of these problems may stem from the actual mindset we sustain.
The easiest to notice aspect of it - is the "Lack" syndrome. There is always something that we lack and we highlight it. But is this the actual truth?
We have all the resources at the time of the event to slowly make repairs and small improvements to the situation. It concerns also the people that can help us. We also need to work on the other aspect which is the fear of loosing or fear of financial or material loss which actually hasn't happened yet and to some extent by this mindset we invite things to happen rather than taking on more conscious stance and helping yourself which would be more appropriate.
This is the time to manifest what we really believe in and what benefits us throughly.
Funnily enough - the reversed Five of Pentacles is a positive sign of the end of the tough financial times. It will cease soon. Your self-worth will be re-established.
There is also a different trait here - a sign of spiritual, deeper way of poverty.
We often feel not complete, misplaced as if it is difficult to steer through life - not in a way we can think of control ( although in the hindsight it may be a symptom of neurotic, sometimes even compulsive quality of being controlling) but in a way that we feel reassured by our plans and efforts coming to positive conclusion. Times, however, as we all know can be changeable, can drive our life experience to different paths so we can see different perspectives of what we do and how we act.
Fixation here is not necessarily a positive tool - do we really need to get stuck in a situation of a complete and utter lack of things, emotions, situations, places.
Let's focus on things we can do here and now. It should suffice to feel complete for a day, and in perspective in days, weeks, months, years to come.

Monday, 6 May 2019

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles is one of those cards that highlights our relationships with money, resources and wealth.
On one hand the current situation may prompt you to feel secure and proud of yourself since you have accumulated enough to consider further investments and solidifying your future.
But as with anything related to money and human mindset, there is a bit of scarcity since our human nature is constantly bombarded with different types of worries and therefore our sense of material security is always a bit edgy.
It may lead to being very stingy policy towards spending. We forget that money is only a means not the target or a purpose itself. It stems from the fact that we place too much value on money and possessions themselves rather than using them. Which of course can work the other way round too.
This card is also about micro-managing and control. If you feel like you are loosing control over your life in terms of material aspect it prompts you to be more organised and make little steps towards a bit more harmony and order.
Re-evaluating what is crucial in your life patterns is important as we may overlook what's useful at specific stage of our lives. We overestimate "things" over the "experience" which actually can bring more quality to our lives by introducing clearer goals that we can achieve. The actual experience can give boost to our natural curiosity rather than being trapped in a circle of possessing things that lead us nowhere.
Self-protection, desire for security, stability and clarity in material matters can be signposts that our mindset can lead us to greed.