Sunday, 12 May 2019

Five of Pentacles

In times of financial loss and disrepair we often ask ourselves - "Why me?" We search through the list of known facts and figures, where is the mistake, what has been overlooked and led to this point.
We overlook the fact that many of these problems may stem from the actual mindset we sustain.
The easiest to notice aspect of it - is the "Lack" syndrome. There is always something that we lack and we highlight it. But is this the actual truth?
We have all the resources at the time of the event to slowly make repairs and small improvements to the situation. It concerns also the people that can help us. We also need to work on the other aspect which is the fear of loosing or fear of financial or material loss which actually hasn't happened yet and to some extent by this mindset we invite things to happen rather than taking on more conscious stance and helping yourself which would be more appropriate.
This is the time to manifest what we really believe in and what benefits us throughly.
Funnily enough - the reversed Five of Pentacles is a positive sign of the end of the tough financial times. It will cease soon. Your self-worth will be re-established.
There is also a different trait here - a sign of spiritual, deeper way of poverty.
We often feel not complete, misplaced as if it is difficult to steer through life - not in a way we can think of control ( although in the hindsight it may be a symptom of neurotic, sometimes even compulsive quality of being controlling) but in a way that we feel reassured by our plans and efforts coming to positive conclusion. Times, however, as we all know can be changeable, can drive our life experience to different paths so we can see different perspectives of what we do and how we act.
Fixation here is not necessarily a positive tool - do we really need to get stuck in a situation of a complete and utter lack of things, emotions, situations, places.
Let's focus on things we can do here and now. It should suffice to feel complete for a day, and in perspective in days, weeks, months, years to come.

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