Sunday, 30 June 2019

Knight of Pentacles

Work and goals create a special kind of set up which can be an outlet for us to shape a plan or strategy to use the first and reach the latter.
Knight of Pentacles reminds us getting there not by the means of speed but by the means of hard work, routine, perseverance, even some a hint of obstinacy. If you are a person who can plan naturally and know the best course of action then it will be easier to achieve the goals using those tools.
Being meticulous and planning even tiniest details can enhance achieving what we yearn for.
It ia also accepting responsibility without any grudges or complaints. After all this is what you have signed for. It may not be exciting but definitely something that can work.
This  card encourages you to steer away from daydreaming - instead creating a plan that will work.
You may also feel stuck in a position that you don't necessarily like. There is not much to do here but just endure. You may also be stuck in a rut a little bit - maybe a bit of fresh air can help - metaphorically speaking - let yourself open to new ways or trying something new.
There is a warning here - you may have become a perfectionist to the point of being increasingly critical towards others, especially in your work environment. Be careful not too hurt other people's feelings - they put a lot of work into what they do. Try to notice that and respect that.

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