Sunday, 3 November 2019

Two of Swords

The decisions that lay in front of us often come with a big burden of something bigger than the issue that is related to the contents of the actual issue.
We are bound to choose and often it is a choice between lesser and the bad or good option but quite often our sense of things is being literally blindfolded. It seems like we have two options that only seem equally worthwhile. The part needs to be played by both our head and our heart.
Which also means that two other cards need to be drawn. Not necessarily literally but in terms of a deeper analysis of the situation. To add a different layer to what we already know. To give an insight into what we only may think we know. To look closer at the problems that are often the after-effect of our deeds and past mistakes.
We might be missing on something we don't know. The possible risks of the situation. The details we omit for certain reasons.
We also avoid the act of making decison. Delaying it for no reason or maybe just out of fear of something we only think we know.
Unfortunately it's not the case of something that will solve itself. We need to put a conscious effor towards it. Difficult decisions rarely come with easy solutions.
Don't overhwelm yourself with the deluge of information. Be introspective. Be yourself and honest to yourself.

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