Every situation in our life is putting to trial our system of beliefs and forces our prejudices, everything we thought is true to resurface and pushes us to rethink our stand on many issues that we feel are either important, unimportant or peripherally unimportant.
How we shape our experience of life is primarily through understanding of it - and that can be achieved through what is a self-conscious apparattus of cognition.
Whether we try to alter it or not depends on how valid our understanding of reality is.
We naturally feel trapped and helpless in new situations or the ones that are challenging. It may be our job or a difficult relationship but it is a sign towards thinking that our superego - our system of values is no longer helping us.
It's not only a question of replacing the negative thoughts to positive ones but also understanding that certain situations as a life's lesson has no longer a serving purpose for us. It can be challenging and difficult but doesn't really transport us towards the next station. We need new perspective and new tools to reshape our life therefore we are prone to start something new and break the routine and the beliefs we have been holding up until now.
One of the tools that seem to serve us is the intuition - a welcome break, a change from dwelling on the thoughts that no longer are helping us at all.
Another aspect of this situation is the limiting self-belief. Something that never helps us in situation when we need reassurance and things can move much smoother.