Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Eight of Swords

Every situation in our life is putting to trial our system of beliefs and forces our prejudices, everything we thought is true to resurface and pushes us to rethink our stand on many issues that we feel are either important, unimportant or peripherally unimportant.
How we shape our experience of life is primarily through understanding of it - and that can be achieved through what is a self-conscious apparattus of cognition.
Whether we try to alter it or not depends on how valid our understanding of reality is.
We naturally feel trapped and helpless in new situations or the ones that are challenging. It may be our job or a difficult relationship but it is a sign towards thinking that our superego - our system of values is no longer helping us.
It's not only a question of replacing the negative thoughts to positive ones but also understanding that certain situations as a life's lesson has no longer a serving purpose for us. It can be challenging and difficult but doesn't really transport us towards the next station. We need new perspective and new tools to reshape our life therefore we are prone to start something new and break the routine and the beliefs we have been holding up until now.
One of the tools that seem to serve us is the intuition - a welcome break, a change from dwelling on the thoughts that no longer are helping us at all.
Another aspect of this situation is the limiting self-belief. Something that never helps us in situation when we need reassurance and things can move much smoother. 

Monday, 18 May 2020

Seven of swords

How much can we put into achieving our goal? There are definitely territories of choices we don't necessarily want to pursue but there are also choices we are very much tempted to make.
In the whole nonsense and chaos of life we are always striving to do more than we actually allow our ethics to do.
How far can we go on betraying ourselves and others?
Everything is a strategy in the world of humans. We need to plan in advance. We need to speak and act in a specific way so we are able to put our message across. After all the whole world is a stage, and we are merely the actors that take different roles accordingly.
As a person of spiritual provenance - you will be probably forced to understand that there is very little behind the role if you depend on it and think as the only way to self-expression. It's the fact that the process of taking roles and playing it makes us feel that we are in a circle of life.
But there is a different circle as well.
Circle of things and matters that revolve around the very essence of you - your superego - the world of your values and the psyche - your emotions - those visible and those hidden, unconscious ones.

Seven of swords can pose as a warning of self-betrayal and betrayal coming from other sources as people we trusted.
It is also helping us to choose a shortcut to achieve something which we have to analyse and consider thoroughly. But it can ease of the tension that we felt - overwhelmed by things to come.
You are sometimes trying to escape something that you find difficult - this is the time to face it now.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Six of swords

Life is but a transition from one moment to another - from onechallenge to a different one. Moving on from things we know to things and issues that - despite being new - will put us in a position where we have to again remind ourselves where our straining points and wounds, or put it more optimistically - new lessons to learn are.
This is foremostly a lesson for us to understand how we can shed all the layers we no longer need to become clear about everything we weren't sure. We may carry a great deal of unfulfilled dreams, grievances, all the sadness. That is how we will travel now - frailty and sometimes cruelty to yourself for not embracing what is happening.
All these can slow down your personal growth - they are not the right tools to understand and measure the growth.
Six swords, set upright which you may think are your spine, your internal grounding tree.
What may they be?
Memories? Relationships? Adictions? Habits? Thought Patterns? Beliefs? Behaviours?
The truth may lie somewhere else. You are able to create your own rite of passage being self aware of those mentioned above or maybe your list is more specific? Use them wisely to restore yourself and find out that there is nothing to lose really apart from things you know already.
The withdrawal symptoms are never easy to go through but pushing through your comfort zone can be only towards bettering yourself.
It's the understanding of the process can help you through it.

Friday, 8 May 2020

Five of swords

Those momentts in life wheliterally feel defeated come quite often as a surprise. We are never prepared for being at the loss of words, drenched with feelings of grief, sadness, overwhelming anxiety and unsure of what the future might bring, We feel so even if sometimes, some battles seem to be the ones we won. But is that an actual fact?
The best way to assess it is through relationships and the state of them. The battles have costed you dearly - misunderstandings, judgment which is unfair, a sense of isolation and loss of trust - to yourself, to others.
But is it the objective fact to see things this way? Or maybe an appriopriate question would be to realign yourself again and see things from the perspective: Have I been to stubborn to admit that I wanted my perspective to be the most valid, belittling the others, and not giving them the chance to express their stance?
Picking your battles seems like an advice and a notion that can help you to be more at ease with what is happening in your life. And lives of those you are connected to.
Brooding longer and trying to prove you were right brings more challenges to your relationships and invites less and less common sense in coming to any sorts of agreements.
Let yourself be disillusioned. After all a failure can also be a powerful lesson towards wisdom.