Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Six of swords

Life is but a transition from one moment to another - from onechallenge to a different one. Moving on from things we know to things and issues that - despite being new - will put us in a position where we have to again remind ourselves where our straining points and wounds, or put it more optimistically - new lessons to learn are.
This is foremostly a lesson for us to understand how we can shed all the layers we no longer need to become clear about everything we weren't sure. We may carry a great deal of unfulfilled dreams, grievances, all the sadness. That is how we will travel now - frailty and sometimes cruelty to yourself for not embracing what is happening.
All these can slow down your personal growth - they are not the right tools to understand and measure the growth.
Six swords, set upright which you may think are your spine, your internal grounding tree.
What may they be?
Memories? Relationships? Adictions? Habits? Thought Patterns? Beliefs? Behaviours?
The truth may lie somewhere else. You are able to create your own rite of passage being self aware of those mentioned above or maybe your list is more specific? Use them wisely to restore yourself and find out that there is nothing to lose really apart from things you know already.
The withdrawal symptoms are never easy to go through but pushing through your comfort zone can be only towards bettering yourself.
It's the understanding of the process can help you through it.

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