Sunday, 16 December 2018

The Wheel of Fortune

The life as we see it - is constantly perpetuating in a neverending cycle of changes. Smaller or bigger. For better or for worse. The ones that we can notice instantly and the ones, of impact which, we are able to see from a time perspective.
The Wheel of Fortune shows us how important is it to see the progressing events of our life as a part of a larger unit, a cycle of happenstance. Traditionally and quite typically we tend to think of it as a karmic way of acting - where all the wrongdoings are being punished with "appropriate" punishment or reward. Although in a short run this might push us to just being more kind and forgiving it definitely doesn't show us the depper meaning and importance of raised awareness when it comes to living our life consciously.
The template we consciously create through understanding the perspective of ethical progress in our conscious life in unprecedent - it creates more and more little dots on the map that build an architecture of firm and moral construct that builds the immanence of superego - the world of our values. It elevates it to a higher level, and consciousness follows this.

When times hit hard - please be optimistic. Abundance will follow. Dwell in possibility and rely on your own ability. There is nothing more helpful.
The guidance comes from the most uncanniest of places in such moments. Maybe from somewhere you don't necessarily expect. Not necessarily like or agree but it will come.
It is sometimes, not what we think, we can control.
Forces at work may be, by design, force us to change the way we think of our life and what drives it.
It encourages us to come out of the circle and use more subtle of ways e.g. intuition.
Assume the responsibility for what is happening and the reward for it will be to understand that there is no reward, there is no punishment. There is a way to think beyond the schemes, prejudices and set ways. There is way more to it. There is one thing that will never let you down... A change.

Sunday, 9 December 2018

The Empress

The Empress...
Welcome back to the newest episode of our blog in a series of bringing the tarot cards and their meaning to light.
When we often think about the material existence of our lives and reflect our identity and resources we think of the matrix of the Mother Nature - her always unfolding source of abundance and power/
The Empress is an introduction to understanding the feminine aspect - the nourishing and protective. The natural law of the Nature's cycles where we know that after the stormy season or untimely death of things we tended to - things are reborn anew with new shape and design which stems from what was before.
The Empress is the database of the needs and yearnings that need adressing. Sometimes it might be the case of showcasing and attracting the resources to fullfil them. On the other hand it might be the case of neglecting your own feelings and needs to the extent of looking after someone else's instead.
How does this happen?
We might not be able to identify it and therefore neglect our wellbeing but also it's a nature that the mechanism of a blocade represents. A creative blockage is not not only about artistic endeavours but also about fiding new ways to feel the world and everybody around us - being in touch with our feelings.
The nurture is the keyword here when we actually recognise how important is it to care and tend to.
Stay in touch with this process and as in the symbolism of the Mother - you will multiply all the allied forces of Nature helping you to live through this Earthly domain. It's really worth. Mind you the goal here is YOU.

Sunday, 2 December 2018

The Sun

Welcome to another episode of our blog, today we will briefly introduce the card representing The Sun.
We are introduced to the adult life with a vision of hardship and difficulty we have to struggle in order to achieve the self-realisation and confirm our identity. It often affects our view of life's path in a way that we may loose this innocence of understanding ourselves - there's degree of cynicsm and disbelief that things can actually go smoothly and effortlessly.
The Sun brings back this forgotten hope - it's radiating with positive energy of being connected to your inner child, the Source. Connecting to the Source through purity, and strength.
The Sun is the card of radiance. But it also invites you to understand your ego and superego - the world of your values. In a common understanding "ego" can have quite a pejorative connotation related to being set in your own way of habitual actions and thinking. The Sun helps us to understand that ego is part of our psyche and character - and therefore we can elevate it to a higher level by understanding our desires and needs - where do the stem from? Understanding the roots of them and affirming the fact that they are important to our growth.
We are often downtrodden and pressed by the hardships that we fail to see the brightr side of life - especially when we see that life's path is distorted and uneasy. Or maybe just on the contrary - we are so overly optimistic that we fail to see the reality? What's happening?
The Sun roots you down in a balanced and harmonious view of the situation - inviting us to see things with a new fresh perspective. Be like a child, not naive, but innocent and attentive...

Sunday, 25 November 2018

The Hanged Man

Hello dear readers!
After a short break we are coming back with a new episode of our blog.

There always comes a moment in our lives when the feeling of powerlessness comes along the sense of loosing independence we need to make decisions. The feeling of being suspended between inability and impossibility.
We are under pressure of the previousdecisions' consequences and the most important factor behind feeling fed up with unnerving situation is to let go of the illusion of control. We tend to try to control everything thinking that we can handle it.
The truth is - you have been overcome and there is absolutely nothing wrong about it. It's part of the design of your life experience.
Now is the time to surrender to it. Resistance to difficulties can evoke some unwanted consequences like further difficulties. The lesson to be learnt is to float on the waves.
The ultimate surrender and putting things on hold can create a positive space for reflection, for understanding that in empty space ideas spark out and come to being through peace of mind. This peace can come through either voluntary or involuntary way - if you are deeply atuned to your intuition you will recognise the moment when you should and would do it. The Universe otherwise might bring to light obstacles like health or financial issues or problems with your car - but it emerges when you, deceived by the will to have things run smoothly at all times, fail to recognise the urge to give things more reflection.
The frustration is the part and parcel of such situations which are characterised by The Hanged Man but fear not - it's just a break in pattern and things will come to the harmony. You can help this situation by enriching your experience - understanding the design of your life and work closer with it.
By patience, by surrendering, by trust and ultimately your deep wisdom drawn from life's theatre.
Thank you.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

The World

Today our theme will be another Major Arcana card - The World.
The World opens us to understanding of completion in our lives. We might have been on a trip of self-fullfilment or study for quite a long time. You are very close to complete a long term task that your mind has been occupied with.
Now it's the time for reflecting upon that. Make a summary of it and ponder on the outcomes. Try to find the lesson in the process you have been going through
On the other hand - The World - gives you a hint on what is it that you are not doing but you should have considered it crucial  to this process. You are on the way to fullfil the goal but the understanding of how to achieve it is not entirely clear or you are not making the right effort to do so.
You can be frustrated by the delays and throuh the impatience you can see how things can be accomplished in time that is given so the little details can be embellished.
The World has a different aspect too.
It leads us to understand how cyclical the processes in our life can be - how the people that come and leave our life make a hint towards understanding the wheels that turn our life. What specific traits help us to understand why something is not working or works perfectly only under certain conditions?
The world of wholeness and achievement and understanding the meaning of the victory.
Can we conquer ourselves in our endeavours? Can we pursue something that is not necessarily ours to fully understand and yet accomplish it? Can we hold on to the hope even despite lack of flux in times of delay?
These are some of the questions we might ask ourselves while trying to understand The World - The world inside us that radiates outside.

Saturday, 27 October 2018


And lastly but not least-ly we come to one of the most known and most-debated card of Major Arcana i.e. The Lovers.
In its classical interpretation The Lovers is usually related and read in relation to connections, relationships and love life. It shows us where the key to conscious and meaningful relationships lie. It may be read as an invitation to understanding closeness on spiritual, emotional, sexual level between partners. But it is also a good card to understand relationships in families or between friends and comrades.
The Lovers, however, has many other paths to interpreting them.
While we are entangle ourselves in the love magic of enchantments, sentiments and romanticism, The Lovers can be a quite appropriate way to dwelve in depth the candid relationships, truthfulness, honesty in communication between ourselves and our loved ones. Not necessarily only in terms of truths we live by but also through understanding how female/male aspects of our psyche work. How they influence our principles and beliefs.
The usual problem with finding the beliefs and principia that represent us truly is through integrating our experience and introspective analysis of what the life is truly about. Understanding it through analysing our traits and how true are we to working on them, both the ones that stem from subconscious and conscious aspects.
The choice is yours as the common expression says. But do we truly understand our choices?
and do we truly follow our heart or just by chance think that we do?
Quite often the problem lies in a broken relationship with self-love and respect. Do we really respect ourselves and what we bring to this world by denigrating our sense of self-belief and understanding our potential which can be both of analytical and sensitive as well as initiative and progressing in action?
Question of understanding and valuing our strengths is often unrecognised by not recognising it in others. We are truly at war with ourselves while not admiting it but radiating that to others and commencing unnecessary conflicts...
Love is the answer - but how we understand its core is even more important.

Sunday, 14 October 2018


Death in the whole tarot deck is probably the most misunderstood and underrated card ever.
How we often tend to preceive death reflects our fears, our prejuidices and everything that comes along.
As the passing away in the course of life comes often as a sudden and unexpected change - we may stop for a little minute and ponder on some issues that are linked to it.
Can we get ready for a big change by understanding both the fragility of life and what we take for granted? Can preceding a change that comes as a surprise with making a conscious change by yourself bring us closer to understanding what we need and what is needed for our growth?
The card as a symbol brings the fact of passing through one door to another, opening the new pathway and closing the former one. Putting the past away seems like a likely ritual to cleanse ourselves from what we leave behind. Re-assessing our daily routines in relation to change is the other important thing to consider as we move forward in our lives.
Life is like a box of chocolates  as one sage said - we choose to find out which one agrees with us. We can also try to think of this process as letting go of the attachments, unhealthy habits to release more vital energy and leave space for the habits that actually help us to feel better as the people who we really are.
The belongings, matters of little importance, memories that create even more attachment create a shadowy aspect of what accumulates as burden and cannot be easily released without using the willpower.
To precede change by making our own is a good tactics when you are not avoiding it and resisting - to embrace it with your awareness and use it to be a part of your own story of sucess - ponder on it for a second.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

The Emperor

The Emperor, the father of the tarot cards, is the protagonist of our new blog entry today.

In times of chaos and instability we often crave for structure with rationality and pragmatism in the background as well as a policy towards solving problems through their analysis and understanding the parts that make up the whole structure. Organising our strategy through perseverance and thought through structure. And foremostly the expertise we can gain through learning about our life challenges.
The Emperor is a card which sets out the trip to achieve stability by resolution to be in charge. Being in charge here means to use tools such as your ability to be a teacher, a decision making persona whose experience is both valued and respected by creating rules.
This card has also the other side of it.
With power comes great responsibility as well as questions you might ask yourself when it comes to the interaction of other people. Asserting your power is one thing but leaving others in a position when they cannot fully express their own might be a counterproductive process and also unethical.
Individuals who gain from your expertise can be a little bit uneasy when it comes to bringing in their own experience into the picture. Why not help them?
The Emperor is also an invitation for taking up the action when you are in a situation such as dealing with hierachical organisation, a clash with authority that bears no "no" answers. You can come up to the conclusion that maybe it's better to be your own boss.
Last but not least it's also an invitation to perseverance, to commit to what you have promised to yourself. Your goals, your plans, everything that you wanted to achieve. Update your own guidelines by checking how much what you used before serves you now. The structure and healthy routines can come in handy. 

Sunday, 30 September 2018

The Chariot

Welcome again to our weekly blog about the cards of tarot and their meaning. Today we are going to focus on the next Major Arcana card which is in this case The Chariot.
The time of Autumnal equinox is a special season when we turn towards reassessment of what are our priorities and the crucial aspects of our life here. Quite often amidst all the fervour and strenous trials our mind seeks the answer of where should we focus our attention when there is so much to do.
The Chariot doesn't initially give a clear answer to it but if we look closer - it can dawn on you, quite literally.
Once you assert yourself and take a bold stance - it will become crystal clear that everything you need is at hand. Insight into your abilities and how they have served you until now can be a useful signpost to recognise what is important and what you have to focus on.
The tools we have are usually the most understimated ones. The process of understanding how abundant we are in what can be used can be quite slow and painful but the easier it gets when willpower and confidence come into the picture.
The Chariot is also a remark and a hint that we often misunderstand others through our impetous stance, irritability and pushing through the human wreckage. A collateral damage of a life road trip.
Maybe stopping for a moment to take a reflection on what is the purpose at this particular stage of your life is a good idea. Having in mind the risks as well as the people and above all understanding the keyword of "control" in our lives is crucial.
Who is in control?
Are you too controlling over your and someone else's life?
Maybe it's the time to set your goals and intentions in alignment with your higher self?
Maybe you just need some time to get a grip on things and grasp what's important.
Take your time.
The road is calling...

Sunday, 23 September 2018

The Devil

Given the time and space to make some reflections on what drives us in the real world of ups and downs, we often ponder on what are the negative forces that are at work that we cannot master and cannot fight over. They might might our habits, our addictions or other ways to react to  what we experience that eludes the conscious way of choosing how we are and what we want to achieve.

But there are always opportunities to do some goodness to yourself in times when we feel that the dark shroud has befell on us. The first step to understand it is the major temptation - to sort out things at once - the instant gratification of ego and helping yourself by seemingly easy steps. The case cannot be far from being mistaken in this belief.
Sometimes the long-term and quite ardous path lies before us to truly understand what is there to be done. The patterns that recurr can be managed in the way of reassessing our stance, understanding the subconscious drives and motives of our choices.
The devil is often a distant call to open yourself to a deeply hidden potential. To eliminate the forces in your emotional world that are harmful, break the bonds of it. It is also about creating healthier habits as in the shift towards something that reverses the picture of ourselves.
The last but not least it is also a trip to the depth of your inner world - often through darkness and by hitting the rock bottom. The struggle to understand can be real but never as much beneficial when you actually understand yourself and have willpower to slowly change it.

Sunday, 16 September 2018

The High Priestess

The end of summer is usually the time when we are re-assessing our stance and position preparing for seasonal break and getting ready for a new change. At those times we manage to analyse our moral judgements, our ailings, alignment with what we really want and everything that comes along with it. How much further inside ourselves can we venture to understand our true blessing, our real goals and challenges that we set?
The High Priestess is the one of the most innate drive towards understanding The Unconscious, the most intimate and the most intuitive. it invites us to focus on developing our skill to use the intuitive powers and shift our attention to feeling rather than intelectualising, working together rather than competing, creating rather than deconstructing.
Listening to your inner voice and understanding both your feminine and masculine side - both the feeling and acting is something that The Priestess encourages us to do.
There is a calm centre, an asylum that dwells in each and every person that helps us to understand how much depends on our ability to perceive the reality through wisdom that we have but in the rushed pace of life we tend to forget and abandon to something less helpful, something that we don't even know how to stabilise as it cannot be stabilised - the unrestrained limbo of the unconscious - something that clearly won't lead us anywhere positive.
The sage inside us can both help and reinvigorate our lives, especially now in beautiful Autumnal time of change. 

Sunday, 9 September 2018

The Hierophant

Welcome again to our blog and the new post in the series of articles helping you to understand the meaning of the tarot cards.
In the fast pace of life we often forget the most important values which relate to rules that stem from perenial philosophy but the ones we have to abide in order to conform to certain social circumstances.
The challenge of finding the teacher that dwells within is quite difficult when you think of a constant chase to fulfill someone's expectations and the competition that chases us everywhere.
To set up your own spiritual set of beliefs is to understand how much we create by creating the rules that we know how to follow but in deeper understanding of it - it's the acknowledging your own experience and transposing that into wisdom.
With the Hierophant there is a tendency of tension between the rules of the world - especially communal aspects of it. How much of ourselves we see here greatly depends on perception of individuality and its purpose in a group.
Questioning and challenging the status quo can be a mere act of rebellion or a greater scheme that is derived both from our feeling of discontent and ideas for a design change.
Are your personal values in agreement with values that are taken for granted? Do you really need to follow what is objective to a certain group of people? The conflict is on its way but it may not necessarily be destructive in its nature.

Sunday, 2 September 2018

The Moon

Welcome to our blog after the summer break, we will be coming with more articles on meaning of the tarot cards with even more reflections on the symbols and the way to understand and apply them in our life.

Our next entry brings us to the card of intuitive perception, the premonitions, the insightful way of understanding our unconsciousness and the path between the tamed and unrestricted parts of our psyche.
How many times we ask ourselves: what if...? The questions are always revolving on how much are we able to control our lives and the output of our choices and our efforts so we are able to move forward according to our plans. How much is there to be understood when it comes to using conscious forces of our mindset to prevent things which, in the wider perspective, are just a collateral damage in their nature? Things which we cannot avoid but in the long run - they show us the signs to find a new pathway.
We are often deceived in our perception of things. The mystery unravels itself not necessarily immediately. How much we idealise the situation and even to some extent we presume that there is always a hindrance, a difficulty... But the origin of this lies often in something that we, by higher design, cannot really predict - our path conforms to the type of difficulty that arises and shapes the experience we receive.
We often loose the sense of goal, sense of our destination. Be it by negative self-talk, conscious mental blocks, stereotypes and platitudes - we distance ourselves from the path of inner peace and understanding.
But even in the times of unhappiness we may see what we are looking for. And rather than conforming for the experience that our subconsciousness shapes to imprint us - we may start trying to find our own imprint and trace what stops us from achieving what we really need.
The Moon with its magical light clears the way inward and outward and helps us to reach the magical place of fullfilment.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

The Magus

Have you ever felt that you want to create your own success but you sense that there are not enough tools at hand? Or at times when you feel that despite all the tools and resources that are easily available - the goal seems elusive and somewhat inaccessible.
The Magus shows us the driver at the wheel of our designs, plans and projects. It's a crafty little juggler who can help you to understand that coming up with ideas to solve problems or create something new lies on the doorstep of already existing knowledge - the skill we have to develop is to use it imaginatively.
It also poses interesting questions when it appears as a good omen. When we have an urge or a wish which lightens up the hearth of our desires - the ultimate divination symbol in a card when you need to touch an idea that stems from diversified elements.
Trust your instincts and creative assimilation of your experiences to use them in building the design of the change you want to be part of.
There is always a brand new array of skills, resources, way of focusing yourself on your goal that can open new and new doors to a happenstance - or is it something that you have created by your own field of energy? 

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Six of swords

Welcome to another episode of Djed Taroth blog. Today we will deal with Six of Swords.

Transitions are part of our lives. However they may be - they are often quite regretful and painful.
Moving forward on from the matters of the past we thought important into the great unknown of the future can bring emotions and feelings not that easy to be dealt with.
Letting go of things and people and energies we were attached to brings reflections upon the nature of our life. How much of an essence is out there in time-related achievements and the fruits of them - material output, our present relations and our situation in general.
Dwelling on the past may not change our beliefs but put us in a stagnant mode where possibilites seem scarce and there is a huge lack of vital forces. Changing our life statement can prove crucial and groundbreaking as we move on ...
There is a platitude saying that in order to solve the problems sometimes the best way is to move away from them. As much as there is a bit of escapism in it there is a grain of truth it in too...
There are certain feelings of collateral nature - you may feel a coward escaping from things, you may feel unworthy of something positive escaping from them - but it's all but a part of a larger construct - a highly judgmental in nature which eventually leads us to a very stagnant point.
Six of swords invites us to a state of a mental clarity where logic and objectivity will allow us to make the transition smoother - from the negative towards more bright light of the New.
Don't be afraid to go this path.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Three of Cups

Welcome to a new episode of our blog and welcome in this beautiful spring time in Northern hemisphere.
Today I will talk about the card that somehow resembles the vitality and the celebration of the Spring season. Three of Cups.
As depicted in the picture - Three Maidens are raising their cups up high joyfully and celebrating. As their arms are raised and connected together we can understand the idea of deep connection through friendship and happiness. The laurel leaves on their heads are symbol of victory and success. When we think of deeper meaning - laurel is also a symbol of protection, peace and purification - a letter from the Universal realm to us. The Letter bringing good tidings - opening us to the sweet happiness and joy.
A collegiate harmonious relationship of friendship, full of support and oneness.
Three of cups usually show how much the harmony in our lives can help us to build strong and healthy relationship with others and our identity. It is also a sign of respite in our daily struggles - it helps to understand how much everything is temporary - and also our problems. The more we look through the idea of a compromise - alignment with our true mission is possible. A positive attitude within ourselves brings it into the outer world and helps to find solutions intuitively through the process of individual reckoning.
Pursuing a creative spirit can help you to achieve that. While your creativity is being stifled you may find it difficult to follow the process and find the balance in things. Don't be dismayed. Three of Cups can both represent three options - the third being out of the duality of the usual discord between the things we pursue and difficulties - the third that represents the door to re-gain what has been lost. The third breath, looking at things outside of what is our usual perspective, re-assesment and re-grouping.
Please ponder on it for a moment while the Spring opens itself to us with our beauty, thank you.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Queen of Pentacles

In our today's blog entry I will talk about a card of the Pentacles minor arcana - namely: The Queen of Pentacles.
As we live our worldly lives - we begin to understand how much being independent is important. It's not only about a stable income but also about the nurturing the ones we love and our household. Finding the balance between the necessity of earning money and looking after ourselves and the loved ones often proves to be very tricky but it's achievable through certain mindset.
This mindset is the belief that we are always abundant and secure to create a peaceful life for ourselves and the ones we provide for. It's about being resourceful and practical in achieving it.
The Queen of Pentacles works on the energy of request. It asks you in finding resources within you or around you to bring the critical situation towards the state of stability.

It's reversed meaning reveals how much consumed you have become in a pursuit of money. It's a request given to you. To re-balance your life and trying to come back to the natural state of prosperity that you can give both to yourself and the loved ones.
Making choices is very important at times when it seems you cannot handle and tackle the situation given by yourself.
The reversed meaning is also about a certain stance towards others. At times it's important to make people understand that they need to be made accountable for what they do and although we try to look after them and use this motherly energy to protect them against their own mistakes - it's not necessarily the best solution. We should encourage them to learn from their own mistakes and experiences
Queen of the Pentacles is an invitation to find the refuge in balance and prosperity. The natural and practical wisdom which keeps us grounded and balanced in this earthly realm we live. Let's make the best of it.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

The World

What is fulfillment to you? What does it consist of and what does it stem from?

The 21st and final card of major arcana shows a picture an accomplished female being, a soul filled with joy and a symbol of a perfect realisation.
The World encourages us and invites us to the path of realising our dreams and worldly achievements through the obedience of intellect.
Our intellect can both be a positive, persuasive force to subordinate our fears and anything that drives us away from success or - on the other hand- can be a generator for neurotic illusions - anything that binds fear we hold with the poor quality of our thoughts and in consequence our well-being.
The way we can showcase our egocentricity is not only through being plainly selfish in our desires but also in pursuing our anxieties and anything that holds us back from following the path of the Ultimate Perfection that dwells in our heart.
It's not an Ideal that is unattainable - it's the very picture of ourselves that can actually help us a reference.
The labour of the self-improvement is never an easy way but through it we help others, we join the world of the cosmic egg that is an accord. The accordance with our true nature. 


Where does our call stem from? What was the initial problem that led us to the actual fear of failure, the feeling of being unfit for our life situation? What makes our difficulties so hard to comprehend?

Welcome to our next post from djed taroth. Today we will look at the characteristics of the 20th card in Major Arcana - namely The Judgement.
The pictorial aspect of this card clearly refers to the very moment of our birth. As you may know there are several types of psychological therapies that deal with this topic.
In the way tarot understands this important event we can discover the symbolical meaning of transcendental aspect of prompt and finding our vocation, our inner voice through assessment, also reckoning and indeed: a judgement.
You are born to be Goddesses and Gods in your own understanding of it. The difficulties that arise as you are trying to find the individual way to answer your questions may pose a lot of resistance in your psyche when you belittle and underestimate your abilities.
This card helps you to understand how much you have to do to urge yourself to undertake a task of realising your own way in this world.
It's bringing your own Light into the sphere of existence. It happens through trust that not only makes everything possible but also brings this certainty that is so much sought for when you are dwelling on hesitance rather than possibilities. 

Sunday, 18 February 2018

The Star

How many times when something occurs we still recall our past and dwell on all that happened before and drove our path to this very stage? It brings back the memories but also the whole psychological process of reacting in the way we used to react or the way that our emotional imprint conditions our process.
The Star is the card which is XVIIth in Major Arcana. It symbolically shows us the well, the spring of Universal generosity. It shows us how wandering characteristics of The Fool stops us to provide the blessed place for communication with human side of ourselves. It can speak through an individual that can be both giving and receiving. The Star is our spiritual guide that we carry - the one that connects us to higher Divine Force.
As we read it in tarot - it helps us to locate the spot that is reserved for us in the world. It fertilises our imagination and our sense of well-being with luck, prosperity and generous actions towards others.
As the figure in the pictorial designate - it brings us to the idea of Venus - both beauty and values that rule things that are most dear to us.
It shows us the paths to cleanse our past and make a pathway to our future through love, understanding the root of the secret that is within us. Opening us to the infinite and permitting all the mysteries to unravel.