Sunday, 1 December 2019

Four of Swords

Welcome to the next episode of our blog!

Today we have quite a special card that reminds us of something very important and crucial to understanding our life and what we are going through.

The key words that we can use here to bring our attention closer are:
Rest, Meditation, Recuperation, Contemplating as well as Exhaustion, Stagnation, Burn Out.

At times we are not only encouraged to see certain truths but even more - forced to understand them through our own physical state - the state of our health.
The importance of restoring our energy when we are not feeling great is so important that we often take it for granted.
The time of being productive can exhaust, but also a recent trauma or difficulties in any other sense can lead us to comprehension of withdrawal's importance.
Staying silent and inactive can be a good direction. Creating a wider space for being understanding towards yourself. It's something that we have to work through and work for and to remind ourselves how is it when we have a refuge available not through external means like money and time but through inner working. Funnily enough sometimes we are entangled in thinking that we actually need those external means to create it. It will come once we build an important, internal foundation.
It will help you to re-assess your progress, the process of achieving the goals.

We are often driven by willing and wanting to change all things at once. Itis definitely something that will bring our strength to a test. How much we can endure depends greatly on our judgement and how we manage our time and life forces.
We might also get stuck in stagnation and inactivity which has a counterproductive effect on the life flow. You are frustrated and you may be of passive approach - waiting for a change rather than creating the environment to make it.
Look into it to see how's its workings are.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Three of Swords

As we go through different phases in our lives, we might come to the point where the emotional and mental wounds and feeling of being hurt comes to the point where we cannot really put up with that. The words people say, that hurt us, setbacks, sadness related to that, everything that has been putting us down brings this very moment when a release is needed if necessary.
But don't get entangled into the swirl of emotions you are right to feel at this stage.
The painful period is about to finish ad eventually will help you to become stronger and feeling more self-confident. This is also the time when there are last straws to be felt and drawn. There might be a situation when someone is going to try to criticise you or pierce your heart with something innapriopriate. Don't lose your energy over that. It would help to stay calm and distanced.
What triggers you and pondering on it might be a good lesson of attention.

Self-talk and inner dialogue are extremely important here. The power of words and the message they carry is crucial to the quality of your thinking. And in a long run - the quality of your life.
Working on how to deal with all those harsh words you are dealing with is an indication where you should analyse your actions and intentions. It will definitely result in something bigger but it will also help you to see a wider perspective of your being among others.
Moving on from a loss is another lesson here. Allowing yourself to grieve and understand your pain...

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Two of Swords

The decisions that lay in front of us often come with a big burden of something bigger than the issue that is related to the contents of the actual issue.
We are bound to choose and often it is a choice between lesser and the bad or good option but quite often our sense of things is being literally blindfolded. It seems like we have two options that only seem equally worthwhile. The part needs to be played by both our head and our heart.
Which also means that two other cards need to be drawn. Not necessarily literally but in terms of a deeper analysis of the situation. To add a different layer to what we already know. To give an insight into what we only may think we know. To look closer at the problems that are often the after-effect of our deeds and past mistakes.
We might be missing on something we don't know. The possible risks of the situation. The details we omit for certain reasons.
We also avoid the act of making decison. Delaying it for no reason or maybe just out of fear of something we only think we know.
Unfortunately it's not the case of something that will solve itself. We need to put a conscious effor towards it. Difficult decisions rarely come with easy solutions.
Don't overhwelm yourself with the deluge of information. Be introspective. Be yourself and honest to yourself.

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Ace of swords

There is a new wave of energy coming and you can slowly embrace it. It has a mark of an intellect and the air energy which is about mental understanding.
You come to the point when something that bound you to certain events in your life cease to have meaning and have a quality that has become an matter of letting go. It's definitely the time when your internal dialogue could implement deeper understanding of who you are.
It might be an excellent idea to create a new project or initiate something that you have held back from for a long time. A great moment for a proper breakthrough.
Mentalising all the forces that drew you back is almost a necessity that can help to cut the ties with all the unnnecessary doubts.
On an every day life level it's a good period to find justice or find the grain of truth in what we live up to.
You might get still discouraged though... A reality check of ideas might not go well. Are they ideas that really interest you? Or maybe it's the case of having too many of them on your plate.
Ace of swords invites you to feel more confident about yourself by re-examing your ideas and shaping them to the form of the life you want. It's about the goals you set - think of it - they can be really measurable, valid, pragmatical, forward-thinking.

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Queen of Pentacles

As we have grown and transitioned from being a child to your young adult life and then from being a parent in a long term relationship, we start to feel certain roles that we play or start to see how they were played by people we loved and maybe they are no longer there.
One of those roles is the archeytype and embodiment of a working parent. Someone very stable and reliable and giving such as a mother, a nurtuting figure - giving abundance and provider of both love and stability in material and emotional level. A person who helps to thrive but also on other level is helping to create great connections and alignments.
Prosperity and security gained through hard work is about providing it to yourself and others but also generating generosity and hospitality to the ones we offer love. It's the time to create some certain level of balance on both emotional and material level that is sustainable and a resource that is replenished easily.
Nurtuting others means also nurtuting yourself - while you put yourself into this type of work - you need to create a balance on both sides of the coin - otherwise the fragile construct of work-life balance won't be working as it is supposed to. Understanding this is quite complicated when all the problems heap up and we are in constant process of finding  the solution by simply working more and providing the material resources. But all in all it is usually a short-sighted way of solving things.
On the other hand - your family and home may be taking over and you don't have the mind to take care of your work and focusing on the goals in that area.
The conflict as such is inevitable - the moments when you think and talk to yourself about what would be the best situation, is coming. You need to be prepared to face it and slowly think through what is the best agreement, best additional help to ask for. There are always solutions.

Sunday, 30 June 2019

Knight of Pentacles

Work and goals create a special kind of set up which can be an outlet for us to shape a plan or strategy to use the first and reach the latter.
Knight of Pentacles reminds us getting there not by the means of speed but by the means of hard work, routine, perseverance, even some a hint of obstinacy. If you are a person who can plan naturally and know the best course of action then it will be easier to achieve the goals using those tools.
Being meticulous and planning even tiniest details can enhance achieving what we yearn for.
It ia also accepting responsibility without any grudges or complaints. After all this is what you have signed for. It may not be exciting but definitely something that can work.
This  card encourages you to steer away from daydreaming - instead creating a plan that will work.
You may also feel stuck in a position that you don't necessarily like. There is not much to do here but just endure. You may also be stuck in a rut a little bit - maybe a bit of fresh air can help - metaphorically speaking - let yourself open to new ways or trying something new.
There is a warning here - you may have become a perfectionist to the point of being increasingly critical towards others, especially in your work environment. Be careful not too hurt other people's feelings - they put a lot of work into what they do. Try to notice that and respect that.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Page of Pentacles

Our life path is all about manifestations.
We tend to meander from one to the other - planing to use those we have reached to steer us to the next one.
Manifestations can be varied in nature. We can receive gifts of material nature from the Universe. It can be related to our accumulated wealth, career, anything to do with material status and finally our health condition.
We may be dismaed by the potential outcome but in the course of things what really matters is the inspiration, the way we can induce and drive our energy towards achieving certain goals - in other words - it's us who are resonsible for the shape and the contents of the manifestation.
Page of Pentacles is a premise of something quite successful - it encourages us to spread the wings and open ourselves to something we give shape.
On the other hand - we might have all the useful tools and we are on a brink of intiiating something new but we seem not to be entirely ready to open this chapter. It may be the awareness of being not entirely practical or we simply need to step down for a while in order to find more ways to embellish our vision - to see everything as clearly as possible.
The final point is learning from our past mistakes. Things that we have already experienced - teach us the best - because we know that these were meant for us - to use them in building our strength and wisdom.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Ten of Pentacles

When we are at the stage of achieving the goal we have strived for and tried to reach for quite a while, we often ask ourselves all sorts of questions:
- What is out there to be achieved?
- Can I achieve anything more?
- Is that what we have achieved is enough?
- Are the resources I have gained, an excuse to splurge?
There is probably less to worry if we are actually asking ourselves those questions. Problems starts when in our self-righteousness we are set in a mind position where questioning yourself is not an option - especially one issue.
The issue, I mean, is the wealth being a trap. We have forgotten that wealth should be thought of as a byproduct of abundance rather than the actual goal. We forgot about this as we knew what are financial setbacks means, what are the periods without a proper income and financial instability. We mistake our feeling of self-worth with an actual feeling of balance. And all this is surrounded by the fact that there is wealth to be achieved.
There are always some sort of drawbacks that are yet to be revealed. Our marriage or relationship ceased to be a true partnership, our bussines might not be on the right track, our job security might be at risk. All these problems can stem from the fact that we are not with ourselves. We might also lose the feeling of being reassured what is our actual goal in life, which very easily can be turned into certain sort of monetization. Our heart's yearning take a back seat here. Money is becoming the goal itself.
We lose the connection with ourselves, being deluded by an idea of success while the real success is being not only in balance with ourselves but understanding the reasons behind our behavioural patterns. This is obviously quite a big challenge when we take the path of just plodding along.

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Nine of Pentacles

The time has come to reap the fruit of your hard work. Can you really feel it and believe it? I sense that it's not the case. Why so?
In the world of myth where there is a permanent lack of things and resources we rarely believe in things like harvesting what we have nurtured and worked on very hard. The idea of the process and development is quite often broken by the fact that we are assured everywhere that we are "not there yet"
But how about taking a bit different stance?
You deserved success, you have built quite a strong foundation of your work? Time to acknowledge it and feel this accomplishment as your own work.
By smart steps we can create our own financial independence. Abundance that is like a well - it helps us to look after ourselves in a sustainable way. And the first and most important step towards it is starting to feel you are in harmony with the world around you. The mindful resonance with your surrounding and the decision that is being made by choosing what not only suits you but feeds you is important.
There are lots of obstacles in the course of this action. First and foremost - your sense of value and self-worth. Investing in yourself starting with things you would normally take as treats - clothes, good food, can be a good guide.
You may also be working very hard but not let yourself feel the effect of it. The gratitude for that what we have achieved can be directed towards those who helped us but also towards the oneself.
Our needs can also be misguided. Do we really need all what we pursue? What in us begs to buy those things?
Ponder for a moment... 

Friday, 31 May 2019

Eight of Pentacles

The work or the process of it sometimes requires special measures, some sort of embellishment of what you are alreadye doing. It might be an improvement of your craft by further learning and education. It usually comes from the situation of you being unhappy and striving towards a goal that is more in relation with what we really want or altering the goals by working out new strategies and simply learning more about what we wish for.
There is a strong reassurance in the Eight of Pentacles where a reward is waiting for us while we slowly and patiently work on our education and learning more about how to improve things in different ways.
Striving for perfection is a very tricky issue - simply because in trying to achieve it we fail to see that the skill of adapting and the skill to see things differently while processing our work can help us to develop and move on from square 1 to square 2.
Sometimes seeing things from broader perspective and bigger picture of our work might help. 

Seven of Pentacles

In the times of the urge to see the quick effect of our actions and being rewarded with quick outcomes and even demanded from us, we fail to see the importance and the value of putting effort and hard work, persistence into long terms plans.
Quite often we are stuck in the situation where we are pushed to see our principles to be re-made and re-invented since there is not much output at all. We are strained and exhausted by seeing that something we have put so much work and heart into something that is not appreciated well enough.
for what it is worth it is just a temporary situation that actually will resolve itself by our will and our faith into what we are doing. It doesn't come up quickly but it's very important to change the mindset into feeling this as our internal, private territory where we are able to learn and put the experience we acquire into the path of learning and building what we need.
Frustration vs. Patience is the primary battle we can win only using the latter.

As much as we put a lot of effort into what we want - there is so much to be done in the area of understanding that we are never in control of our fate but rather we are here to understand that it is not about control, it's about unlearning the very truth of the neurotic process by being an observer and seeing things from a distance as a cosmic play that stems from chaos and takes shapes once in a while and then it plunges into chaos again.
What is chaos? - asking yourself this question you might answer that this is all that we can't control and that puts us in a situation and a role of a victim of all this. While in fact we are trying to control as much as possible rather than learning to shift our attention, patience, willingness to work towards the path of life as it unfolds itself before us rather than thinking of goals.

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Six of Pentacles

How do we build trust of others? By helping them? By investing our trust in them? By support?
In times of our own stability we may hear the inner voice to help others by sharing our abundance and wealth with them. We can give help by counselling, by listening and thus connecting spiritually with those less fortunate, still remembering that the wheel of fortune always revolves around and we may be in a similar position.
There is another side in the symbolism of this card. While in need of help we might receive it and therefore become dependent on it. Charity received in this way can push us to become more submissive and also a bit desperate in getting it.
Financial harmony is always at hand.
Giving to yourself is something that we always omit or forget about. It may stem from the fact that we are getting so involved in the situation of giving that actually we get worn out and depleted by it.
The ones that receive from us - quite often do not give back and it's not necessarily about repaying but about contributing to the cycle of exchange and growth.
Do not overcommit yourself - especially if you are struggling - you need to be able to support yourself while supporting the ones you care about.
There are also some other practical hints regarding this card - it's managing your debts - making sure that you are able to repay.
The other part is dishonesty in being charitable. Are you sure you want to be this way or just want to prove others your quality and virtue?
he inequalities in those subtle connections will eventually emerge and show us where the paths leads. 

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Five of Pentacles

In times of financial loss and disrepair we often ask ourselves - "Why me?" We search through the list of known facts and figures, where is the mistake, what has been overlooked and led to this point.
We overlook the fact that many of these problems may stem from the actual mindset we sustain.
The easiest to notice aspect of it - is the "Lack" syndrome. There is always something that we lack and we highlight it. But is this the actual truth?
We have all the resources at the time of the event to slowly make repairs and small improvements to the situation. It concerns also the people that can help us. We also need to work on the other aspect which is the fear of loosing or fear of financial or material loss which actually hasn't happened yet and to some extent by this mindset we invite things to happen rather than taking on more conscious stance and helping yourself which would be more appropriate.
This is the time to manifest what we really believe in and what benefits us throughly.
Funnily enough - the reversed Five of Pentacles is a positive sign of the end of the tough financial times. It will cease soon. Your self-worth will be re-established.
There is also a different trait here - a sign of spiritual, deeper way of poverty.
We often feel not complete, misplaced as if it is difficult to steer through life - not in a way we can think of control ( although in the hindsight it may be a symptom of neurotic, sometimes even compulsive quality of being controlling) but in a way that we feel reassured by our plans and efforts coming to positive conclusion. Times, however, as we all know can be changeable, can drive our life experience to different paths so we can see different perspectives of what we do and how we act.
Fixation here is not necessarily a positive tool - do we really need to get stuck in a situation of a complete and utter lack of things, emotions, situations, places.
Let's focus on things we can do here and now. It should suffice to feel complete for a day, and in perspective in days, weeks, months, years to come.

Monday, 6 May 2019

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles is one of those cards that highlights our relationships with money, resources and wealth.
On one hand the current situation may prompt you to feel secure and proud of yourself since you have accumulated enough to consider further investments and solidifying your future.
But as with anything related to money and human mindset, there is a bit of scarcity since our human nature is constantly bombarded with different types of worries and therefore our sense of material security is always a bit edgy.
It may lead to being very stingy policy towards spending. We forget that money is only a means not the target or a purpose itself. It stems from the fact that we place too much value on money and possessions themselves rather than using them. Which of course can work the other way round too.
This card is also about micro-managing and control. If you feel like you are loosing control over your life in terms of material aspect it prompts you to be more organised and make little steps towards a bit more harmony and order.
Re-evaluating what is crucial in your life patterns is important as we may overlook what's useful at specific stage of our lives. We overestimate "things" over the "experience" which actually can bring more quality to our lives by introducing clearer goals that we can achieve. The actual experience can give boost to our natural curiosity rather than being trapped in a circle of possessing things that lead us nowhere.
Self-protection, desire for security, stability and clarity in material matters can be signposts that our mindset can lead us to greed.

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Three of Pentacles

In the pursuit of creating our own life and wellbeing, we often tend to forget how much depends on the others to participate in our life, seemingly not always as active agents. We may forget that everything and everyone is connected to something higher than ourselves - a larger construct of a Universe's cathedral. The power of synergy is always at hand.
The real value of ideas and actions that stem from them lies in a higher degree of collaborative forces at work. The faster we understand it, the quicker it gets things done and accomplished. Through listening and sharing, through understanding that we cannot be simply experts at every single subject we may move forward to achieve what we planned.
Every process of creating has to be put into stages. The birth of ideas, then creating a scene where it is built upon them and finally fulfillment. The second part is usually when we think of finding the aids, support that can help to get us through. In other words - a good plan of management and creating things according to that.
In our cynicsm and lack of humbleness we often think that what others can do to contribute to our experience. We lack the right approach to treat people as they should be - respecting their dignity and input.
Disagreements, the miscommunication, the bloated ego, make us think of something that only we are  able to achieve. Soon we can learn that this is not the case and we are seriously misguided.
We can also experience something else - working in a mundane and simply boring workplace we are not appreciated enough and our contribution is not valued and overlooked. It might be a good idea to move on.
You also might need to find it easier to work alone. Make sure, however, that help can come in the most auspicious moments.

Sunday, 21 April 2019

Two of Pentacles

We are the jugglers, in our daily life, full-time, part-time, in the breaks between. The pressures and requirements of modern life make us so. We cannot avoid it, we cannot break this cycle. We are working multiple jobs while we are taking up different roles. There seems there is no time for anything.
But in fact it is you that manages your own time - and you can make it happen. Ask yourself - What life do you want? What responsibilities you can take?
We often take too much. And that involves the guilt, too. It involves overthinking and rationalising things that actually shouldn't be taken into account at all. The responsibility for all the damage that has been done doesn't sit well, we all know that. But is it really us to blame? We can do our bit. ANd with a moment, a hint of deep awareness and mindfulness - there is so much we are actually able to make a step forward. Even the smallest one counts.
The key is to mind yourself - your wellbeing and manage the priorities/time/life force continuum.
Being patient and flexible helps a great deal here. It's a necessary tool to wait till something is actually accomplished.
Overcommitment or not paying the proper attention to different parts of your life and the actors on the chessboard is the other side of the situation here.
Re-defining and re-assessment of your situation can put things in place.

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Ace of Pentacles

The most important question we always ask ourselves is how to motivate yourself and get started with what we really want to achieve?
New beggining as Spring may appear so can also bring some light to what we know and how to go about it. The time is nigh when it comes to initiating the endeavours that can come to fruition.
The goals are starting to manifest, there is a great deal of positive energy surrounding their accomplishment and foremostly lots of luck. Time to start building new structures but to do that you need to be in the right mindset - start mapping out the opportunities that can come and the ones you can use to the advantages of your plans.
We often ask ourselves how to invite wealth into our life. But the wealth is an idea, that can be well conceived before we have an after-thoughts that we are actually becoming wealthy. The more harmonious embrace on how to feel wealthier is usually about thinking about how much we already have and the gratitude that we feel because of that.
The more wholesome and holistic we feel about the whole inner Universe of what we have actually achieved and what resources are we able to use attracts the wealth in our external world and life.

We may feel a bit apprehensive about the success that comes strangely to easily. Rightly so - sometimes things which look good on the outside may unexpectedly fall through. Be ready to spot one. Financial gains are rarely the ones of luck and charm. They are the fruit of work and negotiations. Being pragmatic is the key to understand what wealth can do, how we can manage our expenditures and how to steer through a narrow alleyways of coming and going opportunities.
Delays and other impediments are always the signposts of such situation.

Monday, 8 April 2019

King of Cups

One of our most ultimate trials is often how to survive the stormy season being true to your own values and foremostly how to stay balanced among the bombarding impulses.
To gain the control over the conflicting emotions that stir the usual routine and take the lesson in creativity as well as maturity and stability is no easy task. But to use your wisdom while accepting the challenge of turmoil can bring you further afield in what you may have only imagined.
Life is and always will be but a trial - it is custom made according to what inhabits our subconscious plane and how we deal with that on a conscious level. The more awareness and light we bring into a limbo of the depth the more we are able to guide ourselves and use it to guide other on their own quests.
It helps us to realign ourselves using our own experience to help others but also may point out something more important. The realignment of our principles up to date.
Working with others might be quite an impossible task when they seem to sabotage our plans and introduce chaos to our known world. But this is also another task to do - it's understanding that the plan of the overal life design involves disturbances coming from outside, in this case - also people who seem to be drawn to the fact - quite unaware- that they are part of the show, too. Their drama is not yours although they might inflict so.
This process might be the greatest tool to look into the core of the problem - our emotions - this whimsical sea that we need to learn to navigate.

Sunday, 31 March 2019

Queen of Cups

The hardship of Winter is almost behind us, we are slowly submerging into the bloom of Spring.
There comes a time in your life when after a period of intense hard work and supporting others we might come to the point when the actual care should be given yourself.
We are often co-dependent with others, entangled in long lasting relationships where a long term emotional addiction was preceded with initial intention of giving help, care, support and understanding but over the course of given time it has turned into something that became the opposite of what it was supposed to be.
We have been giving ourselves for long time but time has come to release the ones we loved and nurtured to freedom of their own judgement and choice.
This can surprisingly be true to ourselves.
To give life and space for new "You" - you need to let go of something that you thought will always work out.
You have your intuition.
No matter how busy your head and life is - try to listen to it - dilute the little drops of the wisdom nectar from what is you. The brand new you, a new phase, a new mode...
You might be a little bit out of touch from your emotions - but fear not. Once you acknowledge it, the whole construct of your psyche will start working towards creating a new pattern and you will soon feel it. Just Let Go...

Queen of Cups is the Queen of Intuitive Wisdom, what stems from it - is The Nurture. Taking it in as it is - Absorbing and Embracing with understanding and not judgement.

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Knight of Cups

Creativity in our life can have a multi-dimensional form. It can be both the strength and the lesson we have to learn. It can be the trigger that releases more energy and fulfills all what is yet to achieve.
Knight of Cups has a special mission.
Its main objectives are being humanitarian, altruistic, compassionate, being the patron of beauty and affectation.
When we are ruled by our heart it's not always certain what will be the outcome of the situations we are involved in. To make it our strength we need to use those tools where it is needed rather than trying to use them in all cases. How we feel about the situation doesn't always prompt the right mental and intellectual judgements. The best choice here is intuition - this embellished sword that is displayed by hunches but also affects our thinking, our view of situations.
We may be obviously misguided by all this.
Or putting too much pressure on the rational and practical thinking - judging and making assessment not really just and prone to make mistakes in the whole plan.
We might be affected by jealousy and sulkiness. Our emotions can cause being hard on others or simply not getting the best out of ourselves.
The most important of all - with being dismayed by our heart is to observe - think how much is there left to be done. How much our positive emotions and heartfelt opinion can help not cause pain.
It's all there...

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Page of Cups

I am being asked quite often where do the ideas spring from when I think of the path of life I am on.
Is it an intellectual process that brought me to the point where I can actually use my mental abilities to throw myself in the whirl and swirl of creating new things?
It's a long process and usually doesn't work instantly but if you think of getting yourself out of the walls of known world, the ambience that actually doesn't allow you to go any further - just start with the basics.
Basics? As in expressing yourself through an artistic possibility. It may by anything, it may be not what you think you are good at but still it is something you might need to consider when making first step towards releasing certain degree of tension of simply being stuck in the rut of similar or the same ideas that lead to the same outcomes.
The energy flows usually within a certain route and the trick is to drive it into another one.
The tool that we need to master here is our own intuition - that breaks through many obstacles like immaturity, passiveness and the fear of failure.
These are just a few of many but the most important point here is actually through the process we need to embrace, a process that includes hits and misses, mistakes and even to some extent failures can help us.
In the end we will feel that it is not even the goal that was important. It's an invitation to act. The elusive mystery of embracing yourself in an act of discovery.
As in Dead Can Dance song:

John Francis Dooley
Wipe the sleep from your eyes
And embrace the light
You have slept now
For a thousand years
Beneath starless nights
And now it's time for you
To renounce the old ways
And see a new dawn rise

In former days
Masks were raised
When the god came down
From off of the mountain
And the sacrifice was made
For he knew the day of wrath
Was fast approaching
Just like yesterday before the war

John Francis Dooley
The scapegoat has run
All our sins are disowned
And now it's time for you
To take off your mask
And cross the Rubicon

If you and I were one
Within the eyes of our designs
It would still not change
The fact of our leaving
For tonight we must leave
With the first gentle breeze
For the Isles Of Ken
We are assailing

Just like Ullyses
On an open sea
On an odyssey
Of self discovery

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Ten of Cups

What can go wrong when all the cups are filled with gratitude and harmony while we are in sync with our loved ones and there is no tension in sight?
There might be a reunion soon or family or friends' event coming up soon that may put you into a feeling of substantial happiness and stabilise the relationships. Fun and strong bonds that put great seal on our heart's yearnings.
The Ten of Cups is a card that brings us to understand the harmony in love and family relationships - be it long-term or the ones that bring us temporarily bliss. Wholeness and completion are the symptoms of something larger - something that we feel that makes us grounded in this world in a subtle way. We feel loved and we give love.
Following the energy of the heart is the case here.

You might look for special connections or alignments but they might not come to your life very easily. In a relationship - you might feel that something is not working as it should. It is often an invitation to find a new common ground with your lover, partner - encourage the flow from loving to being loved, initiate the events that help you to pursue the path of understanding and abundance through love.
To help you to do this think of the world of your values - the superego. Where you place them? Do you really pursue them? What prompts you to feel what you feel? Question yourself.
The answers as in: many of them will come.

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Nine of Cups

There are times in our life, those moments when strangely enough everything falls into place.
The contentment extends to different aspects of our existence - we feel happy, we feel that the wishes and calls have been answered, we feel at last that maybe it's the time to splurge a little bit and feel the pleasure of life without being guilty about it. Now it is the time not to feel negative about it.
Expressing the gratitude in those times and fully embrace it has a special meaning - we acknowledge the fact that we deserve goodness and happiness in what life brings. And appreciate it fully.
The feeling of this sorts is obviously a temporary thing - as everything in the inward and outward multiverse it is ruled by one thing that will never let us down - The Change. Understanding and cherishing it brings more genuine gratitude.
The happiness is a very elusive quality. We are trying to grasp "things", "situations" and "people" and take it for granted as symptoms of it. But in the core of it all - Happiness will ever be a feature of our own endeavours and how we feel about them. We can shape our experience towards creating sense of contentment and fullfilment. This is a higher octave of the usual scale of things and re-definition of what is success?
Is success - an instant money reward? a profitable deal or financially rewarding job? an actual material state? How do you define a successful person?
Maybe a simple, every day practice of taking a glimpse into what we really want - re-defining it and changing it slowly towards more awareness and compassion for others you use to measure the size of your success is the true nature of it.
Overseeing our frustration and being stronger than our own emotions is truly an art - we can use it as a tool to move on.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Eight of Cups

We are at the point of fulfilled dreams and accomplished seemingly what we have strived for.
But there is sometthing missing as deep inside we feel that something is not right. Somehow this whole situation doesn't quite feel spiritual or deep enough to be the right one. We want to leave it.
Do we really should do that or maybe just escaping quite uncomfortable situation or avoiding a psychological issue?
Repressing our emotions and pretending something doesn't exist is sweeping the problems we may encounter again, in the future. This also prompts us to stop the communication with people which in an overal sense - just won't work.
This whole framework of our experience begs for a question to understand what we really want and reconnect with this - its source is inside us. The most important thing here is to understand our goals through the values we believe in. It's not necessarily the easiest of paths but it will be crucial to bring more apparent fruits in the days to come.
You may also be a bit dejected. You have tried so hard for so many times - yet it wasn't fruitful - you just got aggravated. You are more prone to drift from one situation to another not being able to settle for less at this point of life and wait and work until you reach the summit. Patience!

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Seven of cups

There is a special feeling to the moment when we finally reach our destination - the accomplishment of our dreams - the cup that is full and can be drank from.
At times though - life presents itself with a multitude of options to choose from. Initially we might think that Fate is somewhat welcoming blink of Heavens' eyes to our life and something finally opens to overflow us with so many different options that we have never dreamt of before.
Little do we know that, as many other things happening in our lives, just a test.
What our hungry minds feed on is, surprisingly, an opportunity. Especially when we are prone to illusions and plans not grounded in reality.
The options and the framework arise as if from the magical set of cups. But are we really ready to put the hard work and beat the crude matter of reality to make everything work or we choose to be a sofa idealist - communicating from a sedentary position, not actually working?
The "Shiny Object" syndrome - the nature of it - is about not persevering and not being able - thanks to indolence and opportunism and procastrination - to lead it to the fulfilling end.
We can miss out on the unique alignment of events. It's elusive and very difficult to catch - just like the passing beauty of the sunset or some other meterological phenomena when we are trying to photograph them.
It's also about being paralysed by too many options that present itself. Quite a difficult choice when we have more than we think we need. Takes a lot of grounding and doing an honest research what we need.
Reducing the options may actually be a blessing in disguise to focus on what is necessary at the time being.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Six of cups

Six of cups brings truly unique expression of truth which might be quite elusive in today's world where cynism is a commonplace and distrust mixed with scepticism is rooted deeply in how we perceive human relationships and the order of the world that we feel might have been left by harmony, trust and co-operation.
We might not so often ask ourselves, going back to the memories of the childhood - why was it so different and fullfiling - so much opposite to what life is at the present moment, being an adult.
The key often is to understand the innocence of the heart - how giving and forgiving it truly is.
Six of cups reminds us about this feature mingled with sense of joy and happiness that is truly coming from the utter sense of being.
Putting away our adult games and dwelling on the childlike understanding of love and harmony can ground us, give us necessary patience and self-reliance.
Self realisation through play and creativity as well as understanding children in our life - what are we able to give them and what can we receive in return.
Reflection and nostalgia of the past doesn't always brings pleasant feelings and memories. We also need to understand the hint to let go off cliging to the past and live in the present.
As much as we were hurt in the previous years of our existence, it shaped us but also it brought us to the very moment we are in now. What it means is understanding the value of what we are and how far we have reached. Life is not necessarily inexhaustible well but certainly the one we can use to thrive after all is forgiven, after all ... we are evolving ...

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Five of Cups

Welcome to our blog and Happy Imbolc! Hope you are feeling good.

Our todays card resonates somehow with how many people feel these days.
At times we feel very regretful and think that things haven't turned out the way they should. Feelings of being sad and stuck are accompanied by the fact that we might be stuck in situations that don't help to pursue what we have planned. We also might feel a bit in a mode of a victim of not supportive circumstances.
There is a trait to this that possibly is part of the whole emotional landscape that we are set in.
You are set in a continuum of despair and holding  grudge or feeling disappointed.
Here we have a chance to improve our wellbeing by applying some simple measures to hype up our emotional hygiene....which in this case is to forgive. Reflections on the past help to understand what is the important message in the experience is out there. There is always a lesson, there is always something to enrich you. Dwell on it, acknowledge it, drink from this well.
This action itself, done in a conscious way is a remedy.
As we know - sometimes a seemingly diificult situation is a blessing in disguise.
Understanding that not always what we want is what we actually need is crucial here. There is a bigger picture of this truth in seeing opportunity everywhere. An opportunity to learn. An opportunity to try out all those chances that actually help us to find out the most intimate core of the Self - we are.

Sometimes the setbacks give us a kick in a stomach, so hard that it makes us feel reject others but also reject a request for help we can make. It is difficult because in your heart - you want feel stronger while you actually feel shy to ask for support.
Sometimes sharing the pain is the best remedy.
We cannot overturn what has happened. Acknowledging it feels like the best thing you can do - even if you feel negative about it - make sure that trying to understand the hidden gem you possess - makes you a rich person. Like no one else in this world of people who prefer to stay in their comfort domains.

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Four Of Cups

In times of over-consumption and the world flowing with all sorts of choices that help us to fulfill our needs we might, at some point feel disengaged, apathetic or switched off. We may feel bored or dissatisfied with our life thinking towards the possibility of no surprise -as if things re-align to bring same situation - on and on again.
In fact this feeling has an explanation - it's an invitation to make a conscious shift towards the inner world where space given to yourself can only bring more knowledge and thoughtful reflection on what is important.
This invitation spreads over our habitual way of living the known stream. To break out of the feeling of withdrawal we must establish a new way of thinking by gently breaking the habits of continous mind's chatter. There is no need for that - it acts as a veil on our awareness therefore it has to be taken away.
We often fall into the trap of disengaging ffrom our emotions by being overflown with too many stimuli - in order to find the way towards them it's good to disconnect from external sources of distraction e.g. social media or social flow.
It's also a good point to understand that we might feel this way because we have been hurt in the past and being overburdened by this - we don't feel the vital force, shut down in our own circles of reactive mood swings.
Introspection and healthy withdrawal now can take its course. Step back, observe yourself in answering habitually to what normally would disturb you. From the bird's view of an introvert things can actually become quite enjoyable in its own way.
Being uninspired and disillusioned will pass...

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Three of Cups

here comes a time in our lives where our own initiative and striving for independence is just not enough and the synchronicity of events and playful fate invites us to consider a different perspective: participate, support and integrate.
Just like in the pictorial aspect of Three of Cups we have different tools to incorporate in our life's path. Somewhere somehow there are people we can trust and we can reach to and another step might be creating some creative field where you can participate and implement it with your experience and sense of things. It can be highly artistic. You can work towards some goal that is selfless and charitable in nature.
This card can also denote quite a sociable period in your life. 
There are different messages here - you might be encouraged to stop indulging and binging on food and drink and try to withdraw yourself from that - give yourself some time and perspective to judge it.
You might also be a bit tired of hassles of social life which calls for halt - it's always good to think about those situations in different ways to find out exactly what might be a problem preventing you from living the life to the fullest.
Relationships can have its drawbacks - if you feel like being cheated or betrayed or even not sure about this but still feeling like your energy that you put into the projects is vanishing somewhere - it might not be your fault but a call to re-assess those relationships where something is clearly not right.
Sometimes there is a third person involved who is actually not working towards mutual benefit.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Two of cups

Two of cups is another card in the suit of cups and the one I will talk today in the next episode of our blog.
As we can see - it shows a unity of two different essences that flow through two vessels and it's not difficult to guess that the main theme of this excellent card is the relationships.
Relationships are the the all-time favourite when you think of the usual reading queries of the tarot.
But if you think of the reverse logic thinking that every question also signfies a hidden answer - let's ask who is asking about the nature of relationships? Instead of asking why ask ourselves - where does the core of the successful, giving relationship lie?
Is it in the understanding the connections between two people - thinking of tools sch as mutual respect and appreciation that in the end help us to reach higher planes of fullfilment? A win-win situation if we take all sorts of endeavours into consideration.
Two of Cups is an emblem of a blossoming relationship - the deeply heartfelt exchange of powerful feelings and emotions. Also lifting each other up to higher planes and better well being.
The reverse process involves themes such as self-love - a condition upon which lies the understanding of the deeply fruitious link to others. How much we need to devote to understand the other person? The answer is - as much as we understand ourselves. Otherwise the substance of love will be polluted with justifying the projections onto others and the thirst will be quenched by one of the biggest misunderstandings - the idea that possessions, and I also mean wrongly taken people as one of those can replace self-love. It's often so deeply embedded in the world of one's values that almost undistinguishable.
At the end of the day - relationships are about communication - the depth aspect of it can change a lot and bring many burning questions to solution. And it can help us to move on in understanding the nature of challenges that we are yet to discover.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Ace of Cups

Welcome to our blog of Djed Taroth.
And Welcome after a short break in New Year 2019. Have a happy one!

We will start the new series of articles describing the Minor Arcana starting with the Suit of Cups.

The Suit of Cups in tarot usually represents our feelings, emotions, premonitions, our inner life.
With a chalice represented by Ace of Cups we are being invited to creative expression of emotions and feelings as they are the igniting point to start a new endeavour or a project. Creative stream of energy is the highlight of this card - helps us to understand where lies the abundance of life.
It is also the part of this card to see a potential in new relationship or something that connects usto people we love - how the affection flows seamlessly when we are in the right state of mind.
The Ace of Cups is both about giving and receiving.
All this has a bigger importance when we supress and withhold our emotions avoiding seeing them or experiencing them in order not to get hurt.
The lesson we are being taught is understanding that through opening ourselves we let the stream of conscious feelings in and evolve into acknowledging them and later transforming them into something new - the elixir of our vital force.
Let's not wait, drink from this cup as long as it flows...